I am an experienced HSE professional with more than seven years of experience in high rise buildings, power plant station, infrastructures and road work sectors in the region. I am currently working on a Karama and Qatar Petroleum project on the shores of Wakrah beach (construction of the massive Umm Al houl Power Plant - Independent Water and Power Plant) with an American Reservoirs/Tanks Construction company DYK INC, a subsidiary of DN TANKS as a Lead Environmental Health and Safety officer. Umm Al Houl Power Plant project is contracted to Samsung CT and Hitachi Zosen Corporation while the four massive pre-stressed 16 meters talls potable water tanks (42 million gallons per tank) are subcontracted to DYK INC.
In my present position I am involved in assisting my HSE manager in conducting risk assessment, providing engineered solution as substitute for work procedures that are posing higher hazards, Incident investigation and reporting, providing intensive HSE trainings, ensuring and encouraging compliance, performance measuring, reviewing protective and prevention measures at work site.
My attention to detail and excellent record keeping skills ensures my accomplishment of projects to the standard set by the company. My comprehensive understanding of the Legal and Industry standards, my excellent computing skills, my verbal communication skills and positive attitude makes me an effective communicator with the team.
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