Traveling to India with my boy
By Nayeem.hameed •
Hi there! I am traveling to India with my boy on 18th December and returning on25th December 2016and his RP has just been renewed for one year until end December 2017. However his passport expires on 7th January 2017. Airline agent says no problem with traveling as he has QATAR RP and will be retutwell before expiration of passport! Should I be worried about my boys travel as his passport has limited validity period ! Plz suggest as I just have tomorrow to take any action !!
acchabaccha: She wanted to go to the mall, but I had the credit cards in my pocket :O)
By the way, yesterday, I heard Chin Tu Fat ask Rizks - ‘Darling, will you still love me when my hair turns grey?’
Rizks replied, ‘Why not? I stuck with you through the other six shades.’
"You all know about wife's!" Ha. Ha! After decades, I have still not been able to understand mine! I saw britexpat the other day walking one side of the road while his wife was walking on the other side. Still wondering why.O)-
Thanks to all mates for confirmation I was pretty sure about it but you all know about wife's !!! She was just reluctant and wanted to be sure that we both travel safe to India without hassle!!! Cheers
There should be no problems at all. Enjoy the trip.
You should be OK to travel
Have a safe journey Nayeem my pal .. remember to come back on time and renew the passport straight away