What steroids are available without a prescription in Qatar?

By Indian-Boy •
I know that deca durabolin is available at 50mg doses, but I can't find out what else is out there or if deca comes in larger vials. Can anyone offer any advice here?
I all the mega mart's you will find RED BULL, that's it.
dude, I've been a body builder for 12 years. Believe me, it is not worth the risk, it is dumb to take steroids; I've known guys with heart problems at 30 for using steroids. Put in the effort and do hard weights, eat 6 times a day and do cardio early in the morning.
no to steroids unless you want to kill your sexual life.
I do appreciate good-natured advice, but I'd appreciate it if anyone does know the answer. Best wishes.
the best advice is to avoid that shit! do you know how dangerous those things are for your health?
wanna look good? then run along the Corniche every evening...and for more energy, eat a banana!