Is there any places that broadcast the Premier League Live?!?!?

Hi Guys,,,
Eif Mubarak to all of you, hope you did enjoy the few days holidays that we got,,
Just have a quick question and was wondering if anyone can help...!! I am a big sports and football fans, and just moved to qatar so not yet subscribed to showtime so I was wondering if there is any coffee shops or places that usually broadcast the Premier League Games?!?! I have to see manutd play :P soo ur quick answers would be greatly appreciated,,,
As today is FRIDAY, probably not!
Tomorrow it is on Showsport 1 & 2 at 19:30 Qatar time :o)
Glory Glory Man Utd :P...
So they wil be broadcasting the game today?!?! against Blackburn?!?! I hope we get the 3 pts,, and the Gunners, Chelski and Livrpooool.. LoooooooooooooosE!
nice one buddy, who's a gunner around here??
OK, as you are a fellow Red ... Try Sheherazad bar, frist floor in the Ramada :o)