Remembering the little ones..
By angelopeter •
How tiny are your hands…. how tiny are your feet
How lovable is your face and kissable are your cheeks
How shaggy is your hair…. when it blows in the air…
How innocence showed in you……each time strangers stared at you……
The day God took you away
Should never come again in any way
For your innocent soul today I pray
Although I am not taught how to pray
I know the pain dear parents of God
I know it so well that I am praying to God
To grant you grace that you will not recall
This tragic event ever at all
@mimas100 quote *read the Quaran etc*
Today is tough and heartbreaking to read these wonderful messages from compassionate people, and we are all feeling so very sad at the untimely deaths of both the adults and so many young children. May they rest in peace.
Do you think that you could oblige me (and probably others) just this once and not put your life and death quote on every single message of condolence on QL?
And thank you for your invitation to read the Quaran and I will some day during my life here in Doha but we don't need this either on every post. Please.
Honestly, religion should not be a part of these posts except when they are genuine messages of prayer and hope and love. I appreciate your desire to convert all QL'rs to Islam, but now is not the time or the place.
Thank you.
One among many distressed and upset expats.
whats happened has happened and theres nothing that can change it.
What we all need to realise is that this life is not fair and cannot be the ultimate reality for our living without a purpose. We all will die one day,every single one of us,whether rich or poor, whether through fire or water.
We all need to know the purpose of life before we return to our Lord and are answerable to the one and only God (Allah) for all our deeds on Earth.
We tend to forget death even when daily around 200,000 ppl around the world pass away. We need to know what happens after death,
Therefore i invite all of you to read the Quran and understadn the truth and repent before we are caught for our bad deeds on earth
and my sincere condolences to all the victims of the sad events all around the globe
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Teary eyes =,(
I am in tears.