Hiking / Walking group
I'm a serious Hiker, canyonner in my country (Jordan) and i do participate in a regular basis with our group of friends and families in such activities mostly on a weekly basis, i have been here in Doha for around one and half month and I really miss these kind of activities ....
So is there anyone interesting in forming a hiking / walking group
the idea about this is to meet with new people / families that shares the same interest, create a regular (upon our agreement) walking or hiking events to gather and have a healthy walk / hike ( inside or Outside Doha) to have a combination of good sport, fun, and socializing.
If anyone interested please PM me or email me at hassan79 at gmail in order to meet and start planning for this group .... please only serious people not spammers :)
nothing to afraid from Molten Metal, it is just a walk :)
Interested but afraid at the same time ......... ! .......................... ................................