Golf Clubs and Back Health

Back injury is one of the most common problems for golf professionals and amateurs. It's important therefore to make sure you use the right golf clubs.
It's easy to custom fit your golf clubs. You just need to take a few measurements and take into account:
• Your gender
• Height
• Distance from your wrist to the floor
• Age
• Your handicap
• How fast you swing your golf clubs
There are different scales for men and women when it comes to golf clubs. Your height will determine the right golf clubs for you a tall person with long arms may require shorter golf clubs than a shorter person with short arms! So don't presume just because you're tall you should opt for the longest golf clubs.
Other qualities such as your age, skill-base and swing speed of your golf clubs determine what kind of shaft flex is right for you.
Length of Golf Clubs
The longer your golf clubs the more swing speed you get. This can be a good thing but keep in mind that the swing arc will be longer too meaning it can be harder to keep under control.
Golf Club flex
The flex in your golf clubs refers to the stiffness of the club stiffer shafts in golf clubs are generally better for stronger hitters.
A Gentle Sport
It may seem like a gentle sport, but swinging your golf clubs can lead to injury professionals sustain two injuries a year.
Amateurs tend to suffer back problems thanks to poor technique swinging their golf clubs.
The most common injury in male professional golfers is the back, followed by the left wrist and shoulder. Female professionals are more likely to injure the left wrist, followed by lower back.
Golf Back Injuries
Four out of five golfers, at whatever level, will suffer low-back pain at some point in their lives.
The golf swing can leave the back vulnerable at the top of the back-swing and during hyperextension in down-swing and follow-through.
Improved swing technique and physical fitness are the keys to avoiding back pain. Strength, flexibility and endurance all play a part with effective warm-ups, stretching and core-strengthening work essential.
Avoid back problems
How can the recreational golfer take the first step in the prevention of a lower back injury? First and foremost is the development of more efficient swings and using the correct golf clubs for your height. This can only be done through proper instruction and practice.
The important use of a customized golf clubs is that it could prevent pain onto the wrist and back because of the comfort of playing it and is a perfect fit for you. There are adjustments that could be done while using them compared to the regular ones,and I do recommend the usage of this. Thanks for the post and for the share.
I thought Richard123...and Tigasin were the only 2 people who played Golf in here.....Ok so what if they are the same
It's a good recommendation..just yesterday ,i had a very bad back pain after hitting 100 balls at the range..I think i need to check all the points that you've mentioned! Thanks!
It's a good recommendation..just yesterday ,i had a very bad back pain after hitting 100 balls at the range..I think i need to check all the points that you've mentioned! Thanks!