English Premier League 2010-11 Season in Qatar

ADMC will be broadcasting the 2010-11 BPL season in the Middle east. As of now QTEL Mozaic Tv has the rights to show the matches exclusively in Qatar.
ADMC website doesn't show any providers of Satellite Tv box or cards in Qatar.
Do anyone have any idea if it will be available in Qatar?
hi all
i spoke to someone in QTEL today and the lady told me that as i have subscription to al jazeera i just need to contact them and subscribe to the extra Abu Dhabi MEDIA Sports channels. do you think this is possible. does any1 know where there is an al jazeera branch in doha?
I don't think there will be a problem having the AD decoder bougth from outside Qatar to be working in Qatar , they can't encrypt it not to work in Qatar specifically as the smart card and decoder are available in all GCC and middle east so why it won't work in Qatar , location based encryption is not possible . however we need a confirmation after testing the smart card here in Qatar , has anyone tested it already in Qatar and it worked fine ?? please help if you know
AArrrgghh!!! Thanks for that Sukesh. You've just saved me the wasted cost of the card :o(
Now to get mozaic that I don't want :o(((((((
AArrrgghh!!! Thanks for that Sukesh. You've just saved me the wasted cost of the card :o(
Now to get mozaic that I don't want :o(((((((
AArrrgghh!!! Thanks for that Sukesh. You've just saved me the wasted cost of the card :o(
Now to get mozaic that I don't want :o(((((((
There is no other option to watch EPL than to get QTEL Mozaic. Though ADMC had first planned to give out smart cards, it looks like they wont be doing that. So we dont even have the option of getting the cards from other GCC countries.
The ADMC HD Receivers are encrypted, so it wont work here in Qatar.
I guess thinks would change next season, by then ADMC would realize how many customers they have lost due to their stupid marketing!!!!
Showtime are upgrading their receivers to HD, would it be possible to buy the card in UAE and use it on Showtime box?
According to this article, buying the smartcard will not be enough, you will need their decoder as well
I guess if there is no other way, people are just gonna get the package from Dubai or so for just 375 Dh.and use it here.
I had written on their Facebook page...and this is what they replied -
Thank you for your inquiry Sukesh- for Qatar you can only subscribe to watch the AD SPORTS package through Mozaic TV+. You can contact Qtel on 111 today to subscribe or if you already are a subscriber add the AD SPORTS package to your existing subscription.
I wrote to them this morning.
I'm not sure if they are aware or not, but not every residence has access to Mozaic yet.
If we all write something similar they might sit up and take notice.