Dragon Boat Team - Anyone Interested?
It seems to be no dragon boat teams in Doha. Anyone have any experience paddling and interested in starting a team? It will probably have to be men only for now.
Dragon Boat information:
This is Qatar nobody vandalises anything... I will show you 250K boats parked on busy road side... nobody gives a damn about a 30k boat...
1000 riyals for 6 months is reasonable... better than enrolling ourselves to a gym class... rowing can give us full body workout plus the fact that it can give good muscle toning...
JTCHING7: ohh that's sad.. :( I don't have any other idea but ill try to research..
armm91: There's a nice spot between the St. Regis and Katara Village that can park the boat, but it's on public land and unguarded. All it takes is one person to vandalise the boat and 30k is gone =), it really needs to be place in a proper sailing club or dock.
Hey guys, I still got random messages from people who want to join, it's unfortunate there is no team in Qatar (I am sure it will be popular here though).
I'll write a proposal and see if we can park the boat near the Sailing Club next month and see how that goes.
Out of curiosity, would you guys pay 1000 Riyals for a 6 month paddling session? It's about 30k riyals for new 22person carbon fibre boat with shipping (excludes docking fees, life jackets).
wow really! that's great ZuperZue... hope you guys can count me in.. thanks!
nope - we've done some more research, however not formed a team yet!
haha I saw the date of posting i'm 1 year late... so did everyone put up the team successfully already? hope I can join...
isn't it possible to use cornice as training grounds? and park the dragon boat somewhere near the museum...
hi everyone! if everyone's planning to form a dragon boat team please count me in! I've participated with the same sports back home and I'm very excited to be into this sport again.. im very willing to share everything that I've learned in doing this sport...
can i join i lost my contact regarding this trend... 55071895... may be i could help....
Hi ZuperZue,
I sent you a message. I can definitely use some help. If anyone is still following this threat, yes I am still looking for a venue to park the boat. If anyone have any contacts/friends at hotels, sailing clubs, or any location that may be suitable for the dragon boat, please let me know!
Eeeep!!! I helped start up a dragon boat team in Trinidad when I was there - let's get one started in Doha!!!!
I absolutely love and miss this sport!
I'll be in Doha from first week in November :)
Hi guys. Thanks for the interest. There is loads of interest but I have not been successful in securing a venue to park the boat. If anyone have contacts please let me know. Need a place to park boat and use as a training grounds.
I would have loved to join. Have been looking for a reasonable outdoor activity and a few friends from Singapore are into this over there and raves about it. Hopefully we can get over the 'local challenges' one day. If so, count me in. :)
JTching7, hi there! i liked the idea of a pioneering team ere in doha,is there any development on the possible pioneer team?looking forward to be a part of the team.. all the best!
Hey jtching7 this is really nice you started the forum for a pioneering dragon boat team, if your on, do you think we can first set up a meeting like a meet and greet? And maybe from there we can start something?just a suggestion..
Hey jtching7 this is really nice you started the forum for a pioneering dragon boat team, if your on, do you think we can first set up a meeting like a meet and greet? And maybe from there we can start something?just a suggestion..
Hi peeps this is really something to look forward to!!i hope the team will push through, how about we make a threading list and see how many are we?What do you think jtching7??
pls. pm me here if you will start practicing . I really want to join. and let me know also what I need.
Ok, if anyone knows a good coach or water clubs that may be able to store the boat, let me know.
i am interested to join the team i might be coming to doha this early august for work kindly count me in.. thanks
diver25, yes but I am currently trying to setup the infrastructure. Need a good coach and also a water club willing to allow docking of the boat. The boat also cost 10000USD to ship over =/
Can i join the team. Just PM me here at qatar living....
Can i join the team. Just PM me here at qatar living....
Thanks everyone, I'll keep you posted.
What a great idea!
I am keen. Only ever took part in charity races in the UK but am keen to know more. Email me at [email protected]
nice.count me in.thanks! this will be a good cross-training.
thanks.. i will wait for your announcement for any development
I cannot swim either, just wear a life jacket =). No particular requirements, I know people over 50 still paddling, it is a strenuous sport but as long as you in ok physical shape there should be no problem.
i dont know how to swim.. but i want to try this.. will that be ok?
sounds cool...
Fuel Rod: No offense, I prefer to have a mixed team but I suspect there may be some local customs to adhere to? I am not in Qatar yet but will soon arrive for work.
At the moment I am soliciting for interest in this sport. It's probably too hot to paddle now but it will take some time to set up the infrastructure (ie find a place to dock the boat, buy equipment, etc).
UAE have a robust league, I can inquire with them on how to get started if we have enough interest. It's a great sport to develop teamwork and to keep fit!
Would have to me men only.
Why? Can't my wife's "rights" be respected?
Hey there, yes I am interested in Dragon Boat paddling. Would love to start a team. Do we have the equipment and a place to paddle.
Its a great idea
Email me at [email protected], would love to hear from you
My son would love joining !so what are the requirements ?