Doha shortlisted for top sports city award

Doha has been shortlisted as one of the world’s “Ultimate Sports Cities” of 2009 in a prestigious international award.
The award is given by SportBusiness Sports Event Management. The winner will be announced on November 10.
“Since the 2006 Asian Games, Doha has focused on successfully winning, executing and hosting numerous world sporting events and Qatar is currently bidding to be a host nation for the 2022 FIFA World Cup,” a statement said.
Hassan Abdulla al-Thawadi, CEO of the Qatar 2022 Bid, said he was proud that Doha had been shortlisted. “This nomination is both an extremely important recognition of Qatar as a sports destination, as well as being an important message to the rest of the world,” he said. “In bidding to host the World Cup in 2022, we want to show what Qatar can offer in uniting Western and Eastern cultures,” he added.
“If we win the honour of hosting the World Cup in 2022, it will be the first time a global sports event is held in the Middle East.”
Qatar has made sports one of the key “pillars” in its development.
International sport events that Qatar is due to host include the Sony Ericsson WTA Championships (October 2009), FIVB Club World Volleyball Championship (November 2009), IAAF World Indoor Athletics Championships (2010) and Asian Football Cup (2011).
than Syria is a good justification for hosting the World Cup here. You don't see anyone even suggesting Damascus would be a viable candidate.
And by the looks of the other cities shortlisted for this honer, I frankly fail to see how Doha can even compete -- except for the money they have to spend.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
@ Safari,the spirit of the game & infrastructure are two completely different issues & i addressed them both separately...anyways,to repeat myself,by spirit of the game i meant being worthy to host this tournament & that comes by having qualified & actually having played in said tournament AT LEAST ONCE...makes sense?...building the world's largest indoor sports arena(designed & built by expat engineers & labourers) is no reflection whatsoever on the sporting credentials of a nation...the pre & post match vandalism & hooliganism are restricted to a very small % of supporters & it's hardly a justification to hand them the hosting rights based on it & what i meant by a sad day for football is if a non-deserving nation wins the said young emerging country,you left out very very rich...which is the point i'm trying to make,there are MANY more deserving countries WITHOUT the kind of oil & gas resources these guys have for whom being granted the hosting rights will help the growth of their economy as well development of sport,don't those countries without this kind of excessive wealth & who despite that have actually qualified for & played in the World Cup,deserve to host it?...more so than these guys?...
@ the observer,never been to Syria so i can't comment on the public transport system there & you obviously haven't been to India if you're choosing to compare the public transport system there with Karwa?...forget about comparing,they're not even in the same league to compare,an efficent public transport system,contrary to what you think,is NOT about having shiny,new buses or double decker ones(i presume that's what you meant by "two floors"),it's about the network & the efficiency of the system & btw,there have been "two floors" buses in India for the past 20 years,so it's not something new for me...
ROFL ....Flan.....Go Qatar Go....
I remember a woman on QL complaining that a guy tried to squirt on her in the City Centre carpark....she was quick to close the car door...and he came on the car that Gold Medal performance or what?
Strangly most of the active amature sports & tournaments happen in car parks for a "Sporting City"....sometimes the sport-persons even get chased-off by the Baladiya!!!
Now Now Flan... Don't start putting personal experience on QL.. Ssshhhh
Derek Edward Trotter
No I don't see what your point is. What does "the spirit of the game" have to do with the current state of the roads, public transport and your ongoing list of....? This is a young emerging country compared to others that have hosted major international events. The steering committees of most sporting disciplines look at how hosting the event can be beneficial to not only the athletes competing, but the host country in terms of economic growth,social and sport development. They invest in a medium to long term plan based on the current infrastructure of the bidding country and whether it will or will not be able to meet the standards within the given time frame. The decision to award any country the right to host an event is made collectively by the committee which is comprised of elected representatives of every country that is a member of that particular association or federation. If fingers are to be pointed at someone for bribery taking place, then as sandeepkadian said, it will be at the committee, which in turn will be embarrassing for the countries they represent. At least if it is hosted by Qatar, the usual pre and post match vandalism and hooliganism by the fans will be non existent for a change... oh dear is that what you were referring to as the "sad day for the game of football"?
Shortlisted cities for the Sports City award:
* Berlin
* Warsaw
* Singapore
* Doha
* Melbourne
* Dusseldorf
@ gadarene:
What is the problem with the transporting here? isn't Karwa buses new and cheap enough? (they even brough the rare two floors! I think the public transportation here is more organized than my country and yours!
Regarding the Asian Olympic games did they bought the rights or did they EARNED the right to host the event based on assessment done by the commettie?! Qatar has some of the most advanced sport facilities in the WORLD (like Aspire the biggest closed sports hall in the world) that is why they accept to give her the rights to host casue its not all about how money u have if u can't organize!
I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
@ safari911,quite clearly,the term "spirit of the game" is an alien one to you...they have the money so they can bribe for it,but is everything all about the money??? there no such thing as actually deserving something NOT based on material wealth?...yes there is & thankfully the FIFA committee don't think the way you do...Qatar doesn't deserve to host the World Cup,it has nothing to do with how much money they have,it has more to do with the fact that DESPITE all this money,they have NEVER qualified for the World Cup,DESPITE all this money,they can't put a decent road network or a usable,public transport network in place & this list goes please,i hope you see the point i'm trying to make here...
@ Observer,same as above,ALL the sporting events they're hosting are ones they've paid for & bought the rights to host,NOT because they deserve it & i sincerely hope FIFA doesn't go the same way because it will truly be a sad day for the game of football...
if masturbation was ever to be considered a sport, Qatar would surely get the gold.
The Observer I will be very happy if they get the event, I may not be around at that time but still.. But my brain tells me they shouldn't. That's just the way it is..
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
guys why are u so negative about qatar being able to host the World cup? haven't they successfully hosted the Asian Olympics (the 2nd biggest muti sport event) and they was more that successful in that!
and doha deserve the award casue look around u and see how many sporting events and tournaments held in this tiny city!
Please stop being negative and cheer the country u r livin in!
I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
Qatar did whatever it could to get nominated, it should be more embarassing for the selection panel..
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
so what if they bribed someone. There is so much competition now a days to host these international events that most bidding countries are doing it to some extent. You have to spend money to make money.... rather look at it this way; if they win the award and are able to use it to promote their 2022 FIFA bid and then subsequently win the bid, then there will be considerable expectations for them to provide the resources and facilities that they proposed and will be required by the FIFA committee. That would mean the country will have a lot of job opportunities for the likes of us expats and all our relatives as well for the next 12 years. As to developing top athletes to compete in these events.... well maybe adding a few more zeros on the prize money for any Qatari qualifying let alone winning, should be an incentive.
Money Money Money must be funny in a rich mans world...LOL...
since 1 oct i do a 10km fast walk 3 times a week on khalifa street. in my 9 excursions so far, i met only 4 other "freaks like me!". everyone is so lazy to get out of their 4x4. that depresses me! i'm changing the venue to cornish this week!
should see europeans on their bikes! from teens to elders. maybe lazy award for doha?!!
Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.
Hosting World Cup is an easiest way to participate in World Cup because you don't need to qualify....I think Qatar should stop their bid to host World Cup 2022 and give opportunity and support Indonesia to host World Cup 2022...Indonesia more deserved because they have played football since 1954 in Melbourne Olympic...
Safety is culture not knowledge
last time i chked, qatar hardly won medals for olympics!!
Pay peanuts & you get Monkeys
I've been lucky enough to attend the Fifa World Cup in Germany in 2006 and the Rugby World Cup in France in 2007, both countries are light years ahead of Qatar as a sporting country with the infrastructure and experience behind them. This nomination is a massive JOKE and shows bribery is rife!!!
@ raven,i 2nd that,how many zeros on the cheque this time eh?...
a rejected Olympic bid and a pipe-dream World Cup bid is enough to make Doha an Ultimate Sports City????
That's quite an award!
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Doha deserve it !
You have got to be joking big much did Qatar bribe this time