A close place to ride my Quad (Banshee)?

I have bought a Quad and want to try it some place close to the center of Doha.
I was going to go to Mesaid (45km from Doha) last Friday, but it rained all day long :(
I can't wait until next week ans was wondering where I could find a closer place?
I was told there is a place near the Inter-Continental Hotel??? I've been there, but it is only a small beach.
BTW: I need a place with sand as I only have sand tires.
Any other suggestions?
I know there are a lot of scrub lands around, but I don't think they allow riding Quads in them.
Mine is very noisy and I would not want to disturb people in their houses.
I meant places where I can legally ride Qauds...
Well, congratulations on the Quad Man.. the best place surely is Me Said or Wakrah beach to really see what is it made off!!!.
You may enjoy riding it on open big lands (example near Al Sadd Statium or here and there)
Or oppostite to Dasman Hyper Market (A/port rd brnch) lots of rough terrain, this used to be a spectators round for Doha Rally as well.
But please be sure that the noise don't bother the neighbouring with occupied houses/appartment.
I noticed the sound echos more when you have built compound around a large empty space...
All the best...
There are huge expanses of scrub land and desert all around Doha.