Al Jazeera - Have You No Shame???!!!
By ace.auteur •
It is the 7th day of the World Cup and your rotten coverage shows no sign of improving by even a bit. Atleast have the decency of refunding the money. i am yet to see a goal, no thanks to your signal black-outs at the right instant.
The match between Brazil & Ivory Coast did not even get into its first minute that the crapezoid Al Jazeera froze for the next five minutes. Damned cheats!!!
at Genesis....thats just a typical Qatari company response...we'll take your money but won't respond or take responsibility when we stuff up the service!!
God bless the internet, do I have to mention the net is a British invention ;)
hamada I pay 3 QR per month and get seamless transmission ;)
Next time get the Sky Italia card for 1300 pounds, seamless transmission
@ genesis,don't quite think you're catching my drift here to repeat myself...i'm ONE HUNDRED % sure that neither will al jazeera respond nor apologize,again,just like everything else in this place,don't get what you paid for plus neither acknowledgement nor apology forthcoming,so save your pity mate,gotten quite used to it in this town,nothing new! :)...
i pity you...
you can rant all you want
but this will not change the fact , that aljazeera will not respond to your complain or anyone else ;)
@ LP,well then they should get him to telecast the World Cup from his pad,that way no one will be able to "sabotage" or "jam" their signal now will they?...
It's not in their hands, gadarene. It's Allah's will. He is in charge.
Well i think i speak for a number of football fans when i say,that apologizing after the damage has been done is completely pointless...i wouldn't be upset if they didn't apologize,i don't mind having to pay around Qrs. 400 to subscribe to their crap channels for the whole year,i see that as paying to watch the World Cup period...what pisses me off is them making all these claims about sabotage & jammed signals & all that jazz...
It's all rubbish,plain & simple...if someone is actually jamming their signal,they can trace it or rather there are people who can trace it for them,they just have to dip into their HUGE bank accounts & pay those guys to do it,alternatively they can encrypt their signal,the same excuses one week into the World Cup is not acceptable & neither is their apology even if they were to offer one...
@ genesis,just like everything else in this country eh?...take whatever crap is dished out to you,pay your hardearned money for it & not get what you paid for,nothing new there mate!...
Mate, am not defending no one here, am just stating facts.Personally I think they had to pick up the phone and apologise.
the bottom line, Aljazeera will not give you your money back nor respond to your complains
the most you can do about it, is rant in an internet forum or a blog
nothing else...
@ hamada,i appreciate your efforts @ defending al jazeera but quite frankly,it's not working.
"money can't buy knowledge but it can buy books"...??? so what you're saying is that our genius' @ al jazeera are now going bookshopping???...a few titles i'd like to recommend in that case...
1) satellite jamming (& unjamming) for dummies.
2) tracing satellite jammers for dummies. & most importantly
3) 101 excuses to make when you screwed up your World Cup telecast...
Please note my fellow QL'er Rye's comment above,about ENCRYPTING one's signal,i second that...
I blame FIFA more than AJ. Why would you give exclusive rights to amateurs with money? This is a one in 4 years event and millions of subscribers and viewers are stuck with this agony now.
AJ, Hackers are messing with your signal sweety? ENCRYPT your data you clueless incompetent wining degenerates and give me my freaking money back!
2022? Yeah especially when east Europeans and south Americans will have your KARAK instead of a BEER and chicks have a dress code while watching the games?? get a life
hahahaha now that is bloody funny Alumnar...
And don't bring stupid comparisons like BP into this topic. What does Al Jazeera have to do with BP??? I would like to see Qatar trying to sort the BP problem out, now that would be a JOKE!!!
I'm using a Humax with the AJ card and it's the same crap with constant freezing.
What a joke!!!
this discussion is turning out quite interesting.....James bond mixed with a dash of aliens and what
Israel, jealous neighbours, rest of the world, alien mother ship hovering just above satellites and sending jamming signals....whodunnit????
And AJ does not deem it necessary to issue any kind of statement clarifying to the public about these "interruptions". Nor does it have the decency to issue an apology (let alone a refund).
I always believed in aliens :D
Money can't buy knowledge, but it can buy books. Many parties are involved and it won't be easy to trace the source, but possible.
@ hamada,like i said,they're not short of a buck or two...if they can spend 8 billion sterling to buy a bloody department store,kindly explain to me how getting al jazeera their own satellite is going to matter so much??? i said,there is ABSOULTELY NO ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE for this disruption...
someone jamming your signal,pay the right people(they're paying "consultants" millions for some crap info. anyways),track down who's jamming the signal,stop them & expose them to the authorities concerned...can it be done? of course it can be done,there are people who can do it...anything can be done in this world for a price,they're not short of funds,how come they haven't yet found these so-called sabouteurs???...
These people doing the supposed jamming are spending money too to jam the signal,why aren't these guys spending more to 'unjam' (sic) it???...
Qatar doesn't own any satellites at the moment, so to blame Aljazeera and their engineers is like blaming the pilots of the concords.
Yes, they do block satellite channels across the globe, ask any Iranian and he/she will confirm this.
To block a high frequency, you must have a sufficient juice, i.e power source. so a portable device won't last long.
Like I said... almost as funny as the Vuvuzela theory...
am surprised they aren't blaming the Americans;-P
Looks like they are pointing towards Israel? That they are the Culprits jamming the frequencies.
Or Egypt?
Or Israel & Egypt both?
would you people crying wolf about "sabotage" & "jammed signals" & all that jazz give up already?...there are only two possibilities:-
1) someone or some organization is "jamming" & "sabotaging" al jazeera's signal,,the country with the HIGHEST GDP on the planet,bidders for a future world cup themselves & how many BILLION was it they've spent on the 2022 bid already(?) can't prevent this "act of sabotage"???...put your money where your mouth is Qatar & al jazeera...
On another thread supporting Qatar's 2022 bid,i had my head chewed off for daring to say Qatar shouldn't host this tournament 'cos they don't deserve to & i was asked reasons as to why they don't deserve to,so apart from the reasons i gave there,does a country with such immense financial clout that can't even sort out the World Cup TELECAST deserve to actually host the tournament?...the answer is an emphatic NO
2) These conspiracy theories are all rubbish stories to divert attention from the fact that al jazeera screwed up big time,this kind of telecast is WAY out of their league & they just can't handle the traffic...
Either way,there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE that can be accepted...
watch in
pretend to wrk and be wd live action
in this region everything is money and money is everything...service..what service?
ZYJ Forget ESPN, name any country in the world apart from Middle-East and I will tell you a channel which is showing uninterrupted coverage. Face it man, Al Jazeera is just not good enough and have to face the just criticism. As for it being cheaper than last time, well I am sure people will pay more to actually watch it than to pay less and see a blank screen.
BTW guys, some sites broadcast JSC +9 & +10 and ESPN for free
As of my knowledge, signals at GHz frequencies are hard to trace since they carry no location information and probably those jammers raise the amplitude of their jamming signal to conflict with JSC.
One other thing, ESPN is an american broadcaster and they use different frequncies and power than the rest of the world, so chances of jamming their signals are rare.
it was more than QR. 1000 only for world cup package last time in 2006 with ART Sports. So, now it's very little amount taking by Aljazeera by this time. Only first day & second day(Little time) it was signal problem with me through AJ card. But from third day it's working very fine with me. In my view it's giving problem if you don't use Humax STVR and sometimes depends on antena settings. One my friend bought AJ card and trying to use in his STVR (Non Humax) & it was not working but the same card working in my Humax STVR.
Its really like a BLACKSPOT on their way of working..
what a joke, AJ are not to blame? Give me a break, if they had a decent firewall installed to start with their system would not have been hacked, yes the hackers are pricks for doing this, but AJ need to man up and accept responsibility here, blaming it on others is typical of least this issue surely has killed their 2022 bid!!
about how they are being sabotaged... who would do that? Why? and if so, why haven't the perpetrators been taken to task... its 7days into the WC...
Its almost as funny as the teams blaming the vuvuzelas for losing the other evening;-P
Yaseen....I want to believe what you have to say. Very true that AJ knows its image is on the line. But it is absurd that the resilience of a network is under consistent attack and no one has a clue. I have not heard of any other broadcast sabotage across the globe. What makes AJ such a lolly to steal from. Perplexing.
If it is beyond their abilities to fix it, what are their engineers trying their best at.
Ice Maiden no need fingers crossed with ESPN, they are the best in the world of sports coverage :)
Al Jazeera should stop making pathetic excuses and get some qualified people or at least make some decent excuses, they have become a joke.
Yep ...ESPN problem so far..fingers crossed
Oh well...ESPN rocks!
I have some inside people who informed me that the engineers are trying their best, and exerting all efforts to fix the problem. unfortunately, it turned out that this owardly and disgraced act is beyond their abilities cause they never expected that some devilish people would commit such an action. Aljazeera should not be blamed for that. They have build a great reputation over the past years, and don’t want to jeopardize it this easily.
If you are using an official subscription change the frequency and it will work brilliantly. If you using dreambox or something similar, sadly it will not work for you.
I gave up from complaining here, it does not work - so fix it and enjoy the world cup ... We have to live with what we have
Guys its not money, the amount that we pay now to watch Al-Jazeera Sports is peanuts when u compare it to ART and other networks, the channel is spending millions of dollars in professional coverage of major sporting events and they didn't intend to jam their own signals & rip ur money off.
The act of sabotage that is being done now is truly disgraceful, but what can one do if the jamming TV signals are untraceable ???
s_isale: got that right, look at BP's incident and compare.
ask BP?
they are a total disgrace to the world of broadcasting....but then again what do we expect from a Qatari firm!
what you feel or what you are going through. All they wanted was the money and they got it.
Have you seen any Corporates shameless?