Working for Qatar Airways

Howzit guys and dolls, I am coming over for an interview next week, with QA and wanted to know if there are any Saffies working for management in QA in this blog group??
I am looking at potentially earning between 23 and 25k local currency per month, housing is provided, 3 bedroom apartment, schooling is also catered for, as well as discounted airfares, and One free family trip home per annum.
My questions are as follows:
1) Is this a fair salary for a manager at QA?
2) I have been hearing distrubing stories of how they treat there staff, but it may be confined to cabin crew, but I am not sure?
3) What would the general quality of accommodation quality be at my level?
4) Besides the obvious, are they a reputable employer based on international standards.
5) I have 3 young children, and wife will be working, what is the cost of a fulltime live-in philipino nanny, approx....
Thats about it for now....hope to meet some of you folk for a lekker braai soon...