In which countries Qatari Driving License is accepted?

By learn.n.earn •
I am holding Qatari Driving License and I want to know that can I use it in
1- Gulf Countries
2- Europe
3- USA
Please advise.
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In all GCC countries plus you can get your international driving license from the travel agent from where you make your flight plans ...
Justice delayed , is the justice denied ...
M.Khursheed Uddin
I think you can use qatari license anywhere on a limited stay..
whoami, is it also works the same when you are on the settlement visa?
You can use the Qatari license in all gulf countries (but have to exchange it if you start to live there).
You can use the Qatari license for up to a year in the UK. If you leave the UK for up to 6 months, then the term is reset.
I guess it applies to most european countries too.
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