Visiting Doha after 20 years

Hi guys. I am planning to stopover in Doha after 20 years this month. I was 12 when I left Doha back then, and I am sure that A LOT has changed since.
There are a few things I would like to ask though.
1. There was a shopping mall called "city center". It was pretty big for back then. I remember the outside was white, and it was just one floor, and it had the shape of a pentagon or something. Does anybody know if it still exits?
2. Doha College? It used to be close to Ramada Renaissance Hotel (the hotel itself had golden colored windows, and there was a Pizza Hut across from it). Does anybody know if its still there?
3. Hamed (I think that was the name) General Hospital. It was a big one, and I remember our driver used to take a shortcut by driving thru the hospital grounds. There was also a OPEC housing complex next to it, where we used to live. Does anybody know if the housing compling or the hospital still exist?
4. Salam Plaza. It used to be pretty close to the Sheraton hotel (the one that looks like a pyramid and is on the corniche). Does anybody know if Salam Plaza still exists? (It was a 10 story building and it had some stores on the first 2 floors.)
I am really looking forward to my day in Doha. Probably wont recognize anything anymore.
Thanks for the info
yes, I was good onshore fisher man, waiting for a big sharks, or hamoor to trap on my hook and there I learn patience till a target is hit, so the city centre is not a problem for me to be patient coz there is high tide and low tide there too that the vehicle goes out and comes in., if not moving all around and waited for a while, it is easy to get parking else death as you said is obligatory, hahhahah.
If you go to City Center you'll die of old age trying to find a parking spot! I've learned to avoid. If you do go, take a cab.
Dohas changed completely,try to visit the new/old souq waqef,Villagio mall,the City center,Corniche and Aspire.
bring plenty of sunscreen...:)
u cant teach experiance...........
wow berlin! you really inspired me....
when I left Doha I had a subtle intention in me to come back there some day to show the place to my daughter (she was born at Al-Ahili). I even kept the Q-miles of Qatar Airways to use them during the visit (probably it was child-like as these miles have an expiry date). I am waiting for my now 2 yr old daughter to grow up enough to understand the significance of the trip, but you really did strengthen my idea.
PS - the other place I stayed in ME was KSA and whatever prize be given won't go there 2nd time!
third time lucky?
UNFORTUNATELY, I dont think I will be able to visit Doha this time around either, because the damn Saudis wont give me a transit visa because I am in the UAE on a visit visa.
I wouldnt mind flying but 700 Dirhams ($200)for a one hour flight isnt really a bargain. Besides I wasnt planning on staying for more than a day in Doha anyways.
Hmm, its probably gone I suppose. Wasnt that big, at least not by todays standards, anyways :)
The clock tower roundabout still exists though right? The roundabout used to be very close to the corniche, and if I recall properly (was a kid when we left Doha) there used to be some palace right next to it.
I have not heard of that park.
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
I was just checking out the Sheraton Hotel area on googlemaps, and my God that area has totally changed. When I was living there (79-88) there were only two things, one was the Sheraton Hotel itself (many would call it the 8th wonder of the world) and the other was Salam Center.
Somehow I feel as if I am going to get real nostalgic when I finally see Doha after 21 years.
Oh, does the "Airport Park" still exist? It was right next to the airport.
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Let us know what you feel about the changes once you have been to visit.
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!
Dweller, I think you are right about the Iranian banks location. I definitely remember that there was Grindleys Bank close by, and then you'd make a right and get to the street where the Iranian bank was. Is the road still called Rayyan Road?
Ha! Lovely to reminise...some of the photos takes me back to childhood.
boogiedown, do make sure to post here your comments/ observations on the new Doha.:-) must be very interesting indeed.
Have just posted on your photo site where the other photographs were taken.
I don't know if the Iranian bank is still there. It was just down the road from Grindleys Bank off Rayyan Road going down into the area where the other two pictures were taken.
The one of the car looks like it was taken going the back way to what was then the New Doha College from Salwa Road.
Well I didnt make it to Doha last year, but if things go well I will drive (along with my bro, sis and her hubby) from Dubai to Doha. I am hoping that there wont be any problems with getting visas at the Saudi/Qatari border. I have German citizenship, bro has American citizenship. We both are here on a visit visa. bro-in-law has Pakistani citizenship and is working as a Senior Manager at Etisalat, and sis also has Pakistani citizenship living in Dubai on hubbys visa. Oh originally we are all Iranian :D. International bunch.
Anyways as promised a few OLD school pics of Doha (from the late 70s early 80s). I know I have some more but cant seem to find them at the moment.
Btw, does anybody know if that Bank Saderat Iran building (see pic) still exists?
Salam is now changed and a major portion of it called "The Gate" is still under construction.
@lamea, however people in Dubai say that driving thre is much worse than Qatar. (see a pattern?)
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Yes, it was called Al-Ahli. It was originally the Shell compound and thus the Dutch school was built inside.
It later became a secure compound for wifes of offshore employees and was considerably extended in the early 80's towards what were the QGPC (Offshore) service level staff quarters and the fire station.
You may remember (if you are old enough) that the road from the site of the British Embassy to the fire station didn't exist and it was possible to climb over the wall fromAl-Ahli into the Falcon Club car park
I believe the compound you used to live in was the Shell compound. Gone!
You were in Al-Ahli. Your dad must have been offshore staff. The Dutch school was also in the compound.
Sterling snacks was in the Centre car park and they also ran the restaurant inside the centre. The shawarma stand in the car park was good.
The Caravan sold only rice and was located between the 'B' ring road and the Sofitel (but it didn't exist then). The upstairs restaurant seated about 25 I think.
The road between the Falcon Club and Al Ahli didn't exist in those days.
you are not too old. C&W also ran the booze syndicate as a non profit making entity. Not like now!
with Falcon club right? That area was used as parking ground for athelete's village
What?? They cosed welcome restaurantt dwn??? Boooohoooo..
We used to go there friday mornings after church(the illegal one)...
Echo I remember cable n wireless.... You know this thread kinda brought a lump in my throat...
Boogiedownberline it wud be great if u cud upload the snaps... ihave some old snaps too but its not with me right now...
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
kfc and hardees and the bridge to go towards oasis no more
even oasis is history
@Aisha: the housing complex that we used to live in was called QGPC. I was really hoping that I could see that, but oh well things change.
@Eco-savvy: Dont really recall Sterling snacks, but I do recall KFC and Hardees. Both of them were right next to each other and it was right next to some bridge. If I remember correctly those were the only fast food joints in Doha since there was no McDonalds or Burger King in DOha back then.
welcome restaurant is no more it got clsed due to some legal thing
sterling is still there around same place
now we have bombay chopati
boogie just to remind you Sterling snacks still exists where we used to get our pani puri and Welcome restaurant?
what happened to that joint btw
lol eco
about C&W
or am I too ancient? its now QTel and got a designer address
Gulf Hotel is now Gulf Marriott and Oasis is no longer 5 star hotel. Ras aboud bridge going to Gulf Hotel is demolished. Lol Wakra is thickly populated, Wadi sail, Rumailah are newly dev areas
It's nothing like village life any more
I am sure the compound you refer to was in Rumeillah. No it has been demolised. Everything there has. Hamad hospital is still standing, but larger now.The souq is where it used to be but only now a new "old" version and quite fun to visit. Even Salam has been refurbished and made larger. Salaam on Saad street has been demolished.
You will not recognize Doha anymore. It used to be a nice oversized village, run into people specially when you went to the Centre on Thursdays or friday afternoon. Now, you can be out all day and not once run into people you know. It is not the same Doha anymore as you will soon realize.
well boogie u will be surprised to see the rash driving in doha and yes it is much worse than dubai!!!!!
The new souq is the best thing that has happened to Qatar
All the houses close to hamad have been demolished ... thanks to Asian Games and now we have a asian games village which was supposed to be occupied by Hamad hospital staff but sadly its still unoccupied as they forgot to build kitchen in each apartments ... such a colossal waste ..
There was a souk back then, but I have no idea where it was. the first place I will visit is the "Center" shopping mall :D and then I will try to locate Hamed General Hospital because our house used to be very close to it.
Alexa, at least the building is still standing :D
gold windows and they built the Ramada Plaza next door. More bars, a nightclub and more resturants.
Sheraton now has a large Irish bar which is a big attraction at the weekends.
@Spanky: Dont worry, I have been driving and walking in dubai quite a few times, and I cant imagine that people in Doha drive worse than the ones out here in Dubai.
I am also hoping that the traffic in Doha is nothing compared to the traffic in Dubai. The traffic out here is getting ridiculous!
but take care when walking down the road...there's a lot of speed maniac out there who does not have the proper etiquette on driving...i wonder when the ministry will fine this efenders for driving at 60-70km on an aisle or alley... it shows off their reflection and culture...normally expats are the one who is like this...
spanky to the BATCAVE!!!
spanky1423's picture
@dweller: My sis went to Doha college. I went to MES Indian School. I suppose they have moved to a larger campus too.
@exiledsaint: So is the Ramada Renaissance Hotel still there too? It had about 20 floors and golden windows.
@sheerya: I will write about my experience in Doha after 20 years in here :) IF you guys want, I can upload the some pics of Doha from back then when I get back to Berlin.
@Abdulrehmansajid: Yes I figured that Doha has changed a lot. I remember when I moved to Berlin in 1988, nobody had ever heard of Doha or Qatar, but now many people do know where its at. But to be honest with you, more people in the west know where Dubai is at than Doha ;)
I guess that whole Sheraton area must be full of buildings now. I remember back when we moved to Doha in 1979 there was nothing there. When Sheraton opened (think it was 1982) it was like a major attraction for everybody living in Qatar. My friends at school used to always say its the 8th wonder :-D (Yes back then we were pretty gullible)
Please try to visit and enjoy the differences...
All those things still exist but you know that when you left Doha it was 20th century right??? but now its the 21st century. QATAR can now be stated as lil NEW YORK;-)
Do write it here about the changes you have noticed after you will be a fun for sure.
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Is the Hamad and it still exists.
Were you at the old Doha College?
Our kids went there.
Thanx for the lightning fast response dweller:)
I imagined that a lot has changed since 1988, but I am glad to hear that City Center still exits. I used to love going there as a kid and begging my parents to buy me some stuff.
Nope, no connection with darts. Am currently in Dubai, visiting my sis, and figured I might as well go to Doha on my way back to Berlin.
PS: Anybody know if that hospital (Hamed or could've been Hamedan General Hospital) still exists?
1. Its called the Center and its still here but no one goes anymore. City Center the new mall is the favourite, closely followed by Vilagio
2. Its still here. Next to the Rubgy Club
3. Expanded out of all recognition but roughly in the same place
4. Salam Plaza is still here but is one of the smallest buildings in West Bay. Add in the Four Seasons and about another 30 towers and you get close
left after 15 years in 1997 and you won't recognise the place.
Been back regularly to visit the grandkids and to work.
DC has moved next to the rugby club (a proper school)
Ramada is extended and new pool.
Falcon Club has gone and the houses opposite the HMC.
Berlin? Would that have a darts connection?
"The Centre" is still there but very small compared to some of the other shops.