U , A . E Visa

By jasimthani •
Dear All,,
Im planin to visit Dubai this EID.
I would like to know the proceedure to get U A E visa.
Im Indian and my profession in the ID card is just an employee.
Please advise me the ways to get U. A. E visa,,
Is there any agency here in Doha who can arrange U. A. E visa./....
Please Kindly advise me
Thankin you all in advance,,,//
I enquired with Emirates office.
They are sayin, I have to tak accommodation in respected hotels,,, which is very expensive,..
In there any other source other than Emirates office ?
Visit the Emirates Airline (beside lulu hypermarket)they will provide all your inquiries & they can also having packages including airfare & accomodation (if you dont have any relarives in UAE). Good luck...
Jasimthani contact the embassy for details
United Arab Emirates Embassy , Qatar
Doha, Qatar
Or even better approach either ETIHAD or EMIRATES offices to get some help and info about Visa Application for you.