Turtles in the souq
By petsforever •
I was at the souq last week when I saw them selling live turtles!!! They sure look cute but I did not buy thinking why I should spoil their lives for my selfishness. First of all, how do people take care of the turtles? Is it not illegal to sell turtles? Won't they grow big in a few years, worse, won't they weigh double your weight? How can they survive in a household?
Yeah, better to shop in safari or lulu, wait till they start to trade pets
lolz don't go to souq
in the US as they transmit diseases to humans. We had them years ago, before the ban. Boring pets, they do nothing and YES! they grow, no matter the size of the tank. Our first one started out the size of a dirham coin and grew to the size of a dinner plate. It made the entire house stink. Plus they bite hard!
Turtle Soup is a Delicacy in Far East Region :)
wat do they do LP
I had a small turtle which was living in my aquarium. It used to stay mostly on top of something floating in the water.
2nd emotion to frez suggestion....
ohhh petsforever take it easy man, BG is a funny person,be wise... if u really care about those turtles just buy them let them free in sea or wheresoever, even tho it's not illegal to raise turtles as pets, i had turtles i raised them too!
if you keep them in a small thank the stay small,.the more space you give them the bigger the grow,.depents on the spieces of turtles if the are illegal or not,. at the souq the the red cheek ones which even in europa are legal to sell and hold as peds
I meant the above comment for baburao-ganpatr..
You're so jobless! Don't comment on every other forum if you know just to be sarcastic about everything! You'll know it better only when ppl are sarcastic about your life!
they can survive...
Yo....in Qatar its all about money :)
it should be illegal (going by rules at other places),
pls complain to turtle court