Strange lights over Doha yesterday around 7:00-7:30pm

Did anyone witnessed the same white fireball coming from the sky and suddenly disappearing in the sky?
It was really strange, fast and powerfull. The light was white glow and we witnessed it while waiting for the signal from the road coming from the exhibition RD heading to Gharafa... I know we were several cars alinged waiting for the green light, i'm sure many other people saw it. We were three of us in my car.
What could it be, a meteor? a weapon test? a UFO invasion (:-))?
Weird not a shooting star as it was thick and glowing strongly...
Please help
Oh, i had missed the rare sight!!!
YES...I saw it as I was driving home,exactly as you described it! Told my husband about it when I got in.He is a pilot and said it was most probably a meteorite or piece of debris from space burning up as it entered the earths atmosphere. Glad to hear someone else saw it too!!!
I saw the bright light in the night sky a week before EID while going to Gharaffa.At first I thought it was a helicopter but it was too slow and much brighter to be any airplane .Later I went through some sites that explain bright lights in the sky and came to the conclusion that either it was a weather ballon or some drone satellite or maybe just a phenomenon which can be scientifically explained by a physicist only.UFO's are out of question because the airforce or airport radar can detect any alien occupation of the airspace above Qatar and these sort of sightings are reported worldwide everyday.If you believe me,while driving along a rural highway in India back in 1986 I saw a very strange formation in the twilight at dusk.I pulled over to see and was amazed that the strange formation was in fact 100'000s of birds flying in a flock in tremendous synchronization.
see post here
please try to be serious, jokes are ok but we are several witnesses...sorry doc
Ok as a doctor in a specialized hospital, we also have patients that witnessed the same. But they unfortunately witness it every morning!
Do you need help?
Dr Ben Mahmoud