Sandstorm in Doha

Our friends at the Doha Tribeca Film Festival shared this great picture:
DohaTFF : "Well, it's a *little* bit sandy in #Doha today and our camera crew have been out filming in it"
Our friends at the Doha Tribeca Film Festival shared this great picture:
DohaTFF : "Well, it's a *little* bit sandy in #Doha today and our camera crew have been out filming in it"
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stop spreading rumours, there hasn't been an OFFICIAL relase of a sandstorm yet....LoL
That goes to show that we are still at the mercy of mother nature. No matter how advanced our technology is nature can still disrupt our daily routine and there is nothing we can do about it. Any sudden change in weather flares up my sinus symptoms, I get awful headaches and can't go to work. Maybe if I could move somewhere along the tropic where it's always sunny I'll feel better.
these sand storms very help ful 2 get customers 4 private clinics ...........& car service centres..........note: there is a proverb "if one spoils, other one get manure" in malayalam " onnu cheenjhaal mattonninu valam"
where did you make it?
nice tattoo sand storm ill make one too...
This STUPPID SANDSTORM gave me a CRAPPY disease named CHICKEN POX when it came few months back...
So i stay inside home when this comes...
Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
the sand storm my nostrils and lung inhaled all the dust geezzz! good thing i didn't wash my car for weeks like eaglemannuel lol
We have a few more up on our Flickr stream as well -
Have to say, the dust does make things look beautiful at night. Does anyone have any of the Islamic Centers spiral minaret in the dust? Might try and take one before the dust is blown away...
work work work!
there will be no day off because of the sand-man.
u came to the sand box! what do u expect to find? rivers?
johnpur, haha do you have those awful A/C's that bring in all the sand they can suck in??!
eaglemmanuel, well I think they bring in more than that but then again Im a bit of a freak when it comes to even the suggestion of a disease, hehe. Your sinusitis havent flared up with this sandstorm??? count yourself lucky. :) I have quite a few friends who are really cussing out the weather. LOL, if I worked from home, Id get nothing done. Yeah, we're lucky to work indoors.
lol, not possible coz I'm alone in this office
labda06 said With sandstorms come diseases. Really pity labourers."
You mean respiratory diseases? I used to have asthma when I was growing up and now have sinusitis but perhaps I got used to the annual haze situation back home, thanks to our neighbours, so this sandstorm doesn't bother me much. But I'm lucky to work indoors. But I do have to go out quite a lot.Wish I could work from home. :0(
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Maybe I'm your boss...and you're NOT WORKING! You're fired! :)
Maybe I'm your boss...and you're NOT WORKING! :)
oh ok, I think your office is just near mine
I take the photo.It was lunch time...and no sun... :(
exactly labda, been covering my face since morning though I'm inside the it a sand storm or humidity?
in Ph. its typhoon
in qatar it's sand storm
in canada it's snow storm
in QL it's brain storm
With sandstorms come diseases. Really pity labourers.
only there it's fog and it means chilly weather!
here it's sand dust and hot.
still feel bit nostalgic! ehden,bcharre cedars!
only there it's fog and it means chilly weather!
here it's sand dust and hot.
still feel bit nostalgic! ehden,bcharre cedars!
In the PI it's the typhoon, in Qatar it's the sandstom and in Canada it's the snowstorm. Can't fight mother nature. Too dangerous to drive. Too bad we can't just stay home during this weather, would have been much safer. Nice picture.
for 3 straight days now.
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
gica, did you take that photo?
now.. thats something I dont see back home.. all you have to do is appreciate it! bwahahaha
Lucky I didn't wash the car for a few weeks. :0)
you can look at the cars ,all become brown color...
Business as usual pal in this part of the world anytime, any seasons. Even someone up there could not do something sbout it.