Qatar Tourism Sector Flourishes

The Qatar Tourism Authority has released data signaling a significant growth in the performance of the tourism sector during this year’s second quarter (April – June).
"We are seeing strong growth in all aspects of Qatar's tourism sector. Qatar Tourism Authority is proud of these developments and the strides being made towards a record year of tourism in Qatar. As tourism becomes increasingly important to diversifying the national economy we look positively on these developments," Chairman of Qatar Tourism Authority, Issa Bin Mohammed Al Mohannadi, said.
Hotel occupancy rate has seen a rise of 9% compared to last year, and total revenues of four and five star hotels have increased by QR155.9 million riyals. In fact, there has been a 20% increase in revenue at five-star hotels alone.
Moreover, the number of hotels being built totaled 121 this year, in comparison to the 110 hotels at the end of 2012, with an overall expected 20,955 new rooms.
QTA has also been bringing a range of attractions and events such as the first-ever Middle East performance of Disney on Ice, as well as the Broadway show STOMP, which have contributed to the growth of the sector.
Earlier this month, QTA signed a 17-month agreement with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to aid Qatar in the development of a framework for tourism that meets international standards.
This seemed necessary, considering the coming of the 2022 World Cup, when tourism is expected to reach new heights.
Image: Thrylent
asian (singaporean and malaysian) also entitled for visa on arrival...
I love exploring. I've travelled to pretty much every corner of the country, most of it off-road. The problem here is that there is very little literature or historical documentation identifying the various historic sites in the country. I had to dig deep and talk to many people to find each location. Much of it was learned only by word of mouth from others that enjoyed roaming around. I set up a web site just so my friends and acquaintances could learn about and find these sites of interest to tourists and adventurers.
.....The relatively poorer turnout of visitors, both in business and tourist categories, from Europe, North America and Australia was despite the fact that most of them have easy access to visa-on -arrival at the Doha International airport, while Asians and Arabs do not enjoy this privilege.
Well to me no one has liked doha on the point of tourism, with absolutely nothing for them to see except the question which will arise in their mind on landing here as i asked to myself and many - if this is desert where is oasis and why did man choose this place 100yrs before when there were no aluminum windows to protect their house, food and water from the sandstorms ?????????
Lol.. Yes tourists are coming,, self assurance
Yeah, most of the people coming in are businessmen/women here on meetings or staying for layovers to go to other destinations. There has been an increase in this trend lately because now Qatar Airways (which is a popular airline for businessmen/women to take) requires a layover in Doha.
This is why hotel check in's from foreigners has been increasing but not many of them have been roaming around like they would in Dubai. That'll come in another 10 years or so?
Well they normally admit it when I ask them!
Tourists don't have label on them!
Where are all these tourists? I've never met one in all my time here. I have met family members visiting their relatives and business men but no tourists.