Oh No!

By baldrick2dogs •
"The Museum Roundabout is making way for a traffic intersection. The 18-year-old structure, seen at the start of the work yesterday morning (left) and later in the evening, is to be dismantled in two days."
Just when my map to my place was looking good, they demolish first the bridge now this! Just what's needed in Doha, more #$%& road works!!!
Hope they put the art work back at the new junction :o)
If there was agold medal at the Olympics for digging surely Qatar would win it.
just eat another pie
npe no weird thoughts about His Highness...I have the utmost admiration for him and his forethought about this country. His "move ahead, not stay behind" attitude is what's made this country what it is today. Silly KSA...I was commenting on his weight loss...and from what I have seen in the photos in the papers, the Heir Apparent has been doing quite well in that respect also! THAT'S what the kudos were for...but they do need them for the improvements in the road systems. I know it it a pain to have them going on and goodness knows, perhaps timing could be better on some things, but putting in intersections at certain places will improve traffic flow..but please, put the perfume bottles back where they can be seen as they are one of the prettiest structures here!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Now I hope we arent having you thinking wierd about His Highness are we...he is a fantastic person alright, and I must say, the way he has run this country for whatever it is worth...I know there is a lot to be developed still...but at the moment, for the moment, and before the moment passes by, for what it is worth, Hats off...to the Champ I say!!!
yesterday..and yes, they're dismantling the landmark. My kids used to call them 'perfume roundabout'.Well, I hope they'll place it somewhere for 'tourists/visitors' to admire. It was a significant landmark though.
it was so lovely driving in for the first time and seeing him smile and wave to you. I think they need to make that a permanent photo. However...I think they need to use the new and improved slimmer model as he's really looking great these days!! Kudos to the Emir on his efforts!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I miss the Emir's picture too Scarlett!!! It used to be the first thing we pointed out to visitors after we'd picked them up from the airport!
Driving this morning through that way, Oooops the top part of the beautiful structure is GONE!!! hehehe...o well, guess they are going to make something even better there...
Lets just wait and see...
But whats most ironic is that, they had a whole couple of months with practically no traffic on the roads during summer vacation...but they didnt...now when traffic is returning, they start works...stupid enough...LOL!
its going to be such a chore just DRIVING safely!!
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this before but have you noticed how many billboards are going up?? The huge ones at the corners of intersections and the ones in the middle of the medians. I personally can't stand those! I'd much rather see the natural landscape or even tractors stirring up sand for that matter, instead of someone telling me what I should purchase or the bank I should be using...And while I'm whining...I miss the Emir's picture on the Toyota building!!!! I always looked forward to seeing his smiling face and that wave..in fact like many others, I used to, and still do, call it the Emir building..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
its their hobby!