My shivering experience in aquapark

By arabicstudent •
Any game with water is dangerous, as I found out yesterday at aquapark. I was in the wavepool, where they generate waves to simulate the beach. I ventured to the deepest end, where you have to jump in synchronism with the high tide not to be submerged in water. But I missed once and water entered my throat, and then I found myself fighting for survival. I waved to the lifeguards, one of them had to jump in and drag me out to safety. So far that is the closest I came to death. Aquapark was a different experience in that way.
Its good that your safe now....
Be alert and cautious from next time..
make sure in future not to play with water.
Dear, any wave pool, there will be a line of limit and a life bar or cord . We should strictly follow the safety rules imposed by the authority.Allways keep a safe level of water and be there if you have scare about water. Dont be a fool to play with your life. take care allways .