" My Name is Khan ".. releasing next week

By Alqatariya •
I went to Purchase ticket for "My Name Is Khan" for the first show at Grand Cinema City Centre..but sad to hear that due to problems in the English subtitles, the movie has been re-scheduled to be releasing on 18th Feb 2010 at Qatar, may be entire Gulf and Europe...
it seems there is no English subtitles..
have to wait till tomw...n c wheather it's releasing at the theatres in Mumbai... I doubt maybe it's becoz f the Bal Thackeray threaten at Mumbai..may be they might have plans to postpond the release worldwide...
rayyz...actually i went down n met d Supervisor incharge at Grand cinema...he was d one who tol me about this...i don't know how true it is...
i want to see the movie not the subtitles....lol
holding a Premier Show Today....
Yeah was upset not to see a single ad in today's newspaper.
How did you come to know about the missing sub-titles thing?