Is it mandatory to have a computerised passport for on arrival visa at Dubai airport?

We are planning to visit Dubai We all have computerised passports and we always get on-arrival visa but the problem is that my one month old daughter has a manual passport and is not eligible for a computerised passport for the first six months. I am curious whether she will be allowed to enter Dubai or not. Is that so?
Check with UAE embassy to be on safer side.
I was there a couple of weeks ago, and it was OK. I just had to go to a different counter. I really don't know if they are giving an exception for a specific period of time.
when she is not eligible then i dont think so there shud be a problem better call uae embassy and ask
By now sir they have made it mandatory may be up to december of 2011 it will be the last month for using old pasports so better get a computerized one as new rule and middle east is very strict about rules...