Grand mosque - Doha ( photo)

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Mashah Allah...
It's been photoshopped. The sky in Doha cannot be that black, and the moon cannot be that big with the lense used. Thus this is nice art not photography.
This is so beautiful. Wow. Just. Wow.
My account has been restored. By 'spammer', I was talking about some guy who was posting links to his spam website. His posts have been deleted.
Hello world
please could you send this photo to my email.
Thank you.
Fanar (the building with the spiral tower ,located opposite souq wakif). Their url is www dot fanar dot gov dot qa/
Check out the website. In addition to the Fanar building itself, I believe they also arrange guided visits to the state Mosque.
Thank u very much for ur comments.. pls LIKE this page for more pics like this
Mashallah :) nice click
wow great shot..
very beautiful...are non muslims allowed to enter inside???
Lovely pic!
looks beautiful!!
very nice ..
I bow ..