Aqua Park Qatar is Dangerous!

I just came back from there today as I was one of the 500 people the Aqua Park management selected on Facebook to attend a pre-launch trip to the park! They charged us QR 15 as entrance fees (originally it costs QR 100) me and many other people was interested after we read this announcement on their facebook group because we were very excited to visit the first waterpark in Qatar and with only QR 15!
Hundreds of people applied for the trip and around 500 hundred managed to get tickets! Till now every thing is cool!
But after we went to the park and driven 75 KMs (50 mints driving) we was surprised by the condition of the park! it was still under heavy construction from all sides! There was no gate! we had to walk over piles of sand with heavy machine working at the same time at the entrance and the park was open from all sides so it was dangerous for the kids! till that we accepted the situation and we assumed that they will finish in 4 days as they announced in newspapers that it will open in Eid al fitar (10 Sep)after months of delay (was supposed to open last April!)
When we went inside we was surprised with all the construction going in every corner of the park! it was very dangerous and careless to have them work during our visit to the park specially that we have kids! Not only that but we was surprised that ALL water slides for adults wasn't working at all!! Also the Waves Pool and the lazy river wasn't working! THe only thing wish was working is the kids slides and a pool with waterfalls. I have to say this pool is awesome and a nice experience for those who never been to water parks before. The size of the water park is small but its good as a beginning as they said they will expand it in the future if it succeeded and its better than nothing!
We asked the employers there about when they will lunch the Water slides and Wave pool they said it will lunch within half hour! But u know the timings here! we waited for hours with nothing working but one pool! imagine going to a water park without riding any slides! Half hour before closing the park they open ONE slide so long long line of people lined to try the ONE slide working!imagine that after finishing the slide u had to take the rubber boat back to up (4 stores high!) suddenly when one of the guys was sliding he fall off the rubber thing he was riding in the slide and hit the edge hard and got injured! Then they decided to stop accepting more people to ride after we waited in line for half hour! A man (who I believe is the safety manager) told us we can't risk to take more people! This mean that they brought us to test the slides as if we were LAB RATS! how come u call us for a trip without fully testing the slide safety and before fishing the constructions? I bet u that they will not open on EID! But if they were fool enough to open I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT U POSTPONE YOUR VISIT ANOTHER MONTH because obviously the park need weeks of work yet! they didn't even had the change room ready so we changed in Dark rooms and went home without showering!!
I wrote this topic because I care about your safety! So watch out!
You can go now, if you want
But don't go between 1 and 2 pm all rides closed while lifeguards go for lunch!!WTF????
just open your eyes. Of course you expect a lot of people during the Eid break, we'll go back there next week!Jayca, it will be a good experience to go there!
just open your eyes. Of course you expect a lot of people during the Eid break, we'll go back there next week!Jayca, it will be a good experience to go there!
Thanks Alumnar, I actually prefer a portable one that I can carry with me wherever I go :p
Nomad - I keep looking for it. It's been 7 long years. I let you know IF I find some ;)
Is common sense available in Carrefour?
Its easy but only what u need is to use ur common sense. N u can reach the place.
Its easy but only what u need is to use ur common sense. N u can reach the place.
Its easy but only what u need is to use ur common sense. N u can reach the place.
Im not saying that the observer is wrong though after all this is Qatar nothing seems to go the right way but its been a year now so i guess they have improved their facilities
Jayca i've been there in ramadan and my friends went there on Eid its ok.. All rides are working proper as well.. Its far though
Awww... too bad:( we are planning to go on saturday........... so i guess, we have to pass :( Thanks for the warning.
I went to the park on 1 sep 2011, the next day of Eid,It's tedious and frustrating experience to find the location of the park.There is no proper approach road from highway, and there is no name boards to indicate the direction to follow. Disappointing.
..and this country want to host the World Cup!!!!!! When the eyes of the World are on them and they screw up as is patently possible - more than possible given what I have read above, there will be NO PLACE TO HIDE - the global community will not let them hide!! The country will be a laughing stock. I suggest someone somewhere gets a grasp on the reality associated with the World Cup bid before some idiot goes and awards this country the 2022 tournament in the misplaced belief that they are capable of joining up the dots of major project management!!
Boy damages kidney in fall at amusement facility
Tuesday, 12 October 2010 04:07
DOHA: An 11-year-old boy had his right kidney severely damaged and a rib broken in a fall while playing at a local amusement facility.
The incident took place on October 2. The father of the victim, Ahmed, says doctors have declared that his son has lost his right kidney since he could not be brought in for treatment in time.
The management of the amusement centre refused to talk on the issue.
The father who did not want his name in print has filed two police complaints, one with the Mekainis Police (Complaint Number 1100) on October 2 about the incident, the other on October 7 against the manager of the facility for allegedly visiting the hospital and trying to speak with his wife to tender an apology.
HMC doctors have also confirmed that the right kidney of the boy has been severely damaged.
Giving details of the tragic incident, the victim’s father earlier said that on the fateful day he dropped Ahmed and his mother at the amusement centre. “But after a while I got a call on my mobile phone from her. She sounded panicky while telling me that Ahmed had fallen and was lying unconscious.” “I immediately asked her if there were any rescuers attending to Ahmed and whether there was an ambulance, to which she replied in the negative. She said some onlookers had, though, come for help,” said the father, adding that he, therefore, immediately rushed to the amusement facility.
The father further quoted Ahmed’s mother as saying that some of the visitors had helped bring him out. The kid’s mother had told him that the boy was lying on the ground and the people who had come to his help believed he was all right.
But the father said that when he reached there he found his son crying and vomitting. “I talked to the manager of the facility and he told me there was no cause for worry.”
“The manager said that my son may have eaten before entering the play area and it was for this reason that he was vomitting, but my son soon fell unconscious.”
According to the father, he called in an ambulance but since it took time to arrive due to the distance involved, he also called in the police which soon arrived on the spot.
“The police found that safety measures were inadequate,” claimed the father.
Rescuers must weigh every child before allowing him into the play area which is, ironically, called the ‘Death Game,’ he said.
For example, a child weighing 60kg should not be allowed into the play area with a child of 80kg, he claimed.
“But my child was not weighed,” he said.
Three accidents have taken place before his son was involved in one at the amusement facility, claimed Ahmed’s father.
The manager asked a woman to call Ahmed’s mother saying he wanted to apologise.
The woman tried to convince Ahmed’s mother that the family shouldn’t lodge a police complaint and instead make a rapprochement. Meanwhile, this reporter’s efforts to seek comments on the issue from the manager met with failure.
The manager first dillydallied saying he would be speaking tomorrow and the day after but finally refused to say a word.
Don't be hard-pressed in discouraging people. How many car accidents happens everyday, so what's your conclusion, don't use the car?
If I may suggest, hold firm to that newspaper and stand at the entrance of the slide, show the newspaper to warn the people. If they insist, then you made your point. No one to blame!
duplicated post..
@ Ajnas: thanks for the comments,ur welcome.
@ supeesh: The problem is that even after they said they finished the tests and after they officially opened it, accidents is still happening frequently!
@ bubblymom: believe me I was more excited and eager to go there but after what I saw and read I decided not to go before they solve all the issues.
expecting some news about the park here on QL but not like this kinda .........
and we're planning to visit the park this month.
With all those incidents, i'd rather (must) prolong my excitement. :(
i don't want to pay QR100 for a preparation to admittance in Hamad. :(
thanks for your review...
i have visited many water theme parks...
in all those parks safety was their first priority...
if the construction is going on, its not safe to go there...
after watching final destination series, i am very much careful about the safety....
anything can happen any time....
without conducting a safety tests in each and every ride, i am not going there...
as you know, things in paper will have lots of change when you construct it...
may be the parameters of the ride will comes under safety limits...
still we much conduct a real test.
and they did that with 500 lab rats instead of dummy.
how can we trust the rides???
thanks for the info, observer
Yesterday my brother in law went to this Aqua Park and he broke his shoulder and went of its place after he fell off the inflation in the very same slide that had many accidents! ironically I warned everyone from going there except him! if I knew he was planing to go there I would've stopped him! Of course he had to go all the way and the pain till he reach the emergency in Hamad Hospital!
Day after day this park proves to me that it's not the place to visit at all!
That was published on 2 of the biggest newspapers in Qatar on last Wednesday " Al- Sharq Newspaper and Al- Watan Newspaper" and am not sure if it was published in English Newspapers here..
While the kid was sliding he hit an edge so he broke some rips and lost his kidney so now he is in emergency with kidney failure because after he was hit the rescuers drag him on floor like they drag a sheep and they had no treatment place there so they had to take him all the way to Hamad hospital (far far away!) so he will now life with one kidney for the rest of his life just because of those fools who can't design a simple safe aqua park! His father said will sue the park for that.
were is the lady that said I was "exaggerating??!!"
This wasn't the only accident happened and I warned u guys weeks ago and I knew there is something wrong in the safety measures there.
The Aqua park owner said that the kid was "fat!" and the trainer tried to stop him from sliding but he didn't listen!"
is that a logical reason? the kid is not more than 80 KG so what if a hug man with 110 KG slided down! there is obviously a water balancing problem there! and he have no write to call the kid "fat"! I went there once and in within 15 min I saw 2 people falling and hitting the edge! they postponed opening it and now we are hearing about more accidents!
PLEASE INFORM UR FRIENDS THAT ITS NOT SAFE TO TAKE THEIR KIDS TO THAT PLACE! they have the right to know and not every one heard about these accidents!
woow.thanx for making us aware.i badly wanted to take my kidz there.n now i change my mind.may b ill take them after another month or two.coz here in qatar,,,everything needs to have a long queue.hospitals,electricity payment,shopping malls,you name the plc.whwere ever it is theres a QUEUE.n im really not interested to waste my time standing in a queue even at a done with queues.
A local internet forum featured today a short video from the park's opening day;
According to many visitors, the rides are safe now. there is no special dress code yet, As there were women on swimwear as well as Arab women in Abayas!
Many visitors criticized the hygiene of the toilets & public facilities
@ sidra: Yes they opened last Friday but I advice you to wait another month before you take your children to there to make sure its safe and secured.
@ sidra: Yes they opened last Friday but I advice you to wait another month before you take your children to there to make sure its safe and secured.
And how safe will it be? Sorry but we all know about safety standards in this country. Did they have time to rebuild slides to be safe? I'm sure they only had time to finish the 'building site'.
Please make sure that your children are safe when you visit the waterpark.
So is it true they're opening tomorrow to public?
@ flor1212: Yes this did admit that it is not safe and the message was more clear in arabic that they postponed the opening for safety reasons.. and I believe they decided to do that after they saw what happened in the "Test day" when they tested their slides on people! so @ sudishkurup: yes they went ahead with a test on people while its under construction and without informing people about the status of the park before we went to trip! and after the test they continued to deny what happened and put couple of pictures on their FB page to trick people but finally they though twice and maybe more slides proved to be unsafe so they decided to postponed it further and no it didn't open in couple of days as u said!
Aqua park Qatar is a privately owned water park, It doesn't report to any goverment authority. If it wasn't for the preliminary visit's bad review on both QL & FB, the park's management would have not decide to postpone the opening date until further notice
Sorry sudish, but how much are you getting paid for this post? Do you actually think that any parents with a little bit of brain would allow their kids to 'test' the waterpark before it opened, knowing what standards there are in this country? Only in Qatar!
Let's wait for the first accident reports...!
hi folks,
park is completed and about to open for public in couple of days time.
Let us not critisise on the saftey matter. Do you thing qatar govt will give go ahead with out meeting the international saftey standards, especially when childerns are going to be the most visistors.
Let us look forward for a better and good service. At last some thing is better than nothing( Finally we have an aqua park in qatar)
Did I miss reading it? Would they even admit it's not safe?
@ whyteknight: The officials there said its not yet save to open based on the incidence I spoke about and god knows if other happened so I am not even exaggerating...
Now, here is what i am wondering about. What are women supposed to wear there? I assume a bikini is not applicable, for several, what?
I have been to water parks in Dubai, there it is absolutely no problem to wear western swim Well, can somebody tell me?
I am not saying all your topic is wrong.. I just said it sounds a little exaggerated which doesn't mean that it's all wrong.
@ Alumnar : contacting newspapers isn't save in this case! the park owners will accuse me for slander.. specially that I am not a local writer! but writing this topic in QL was effective enough to let them post pictures of the park with the same topic subject I wrote here "Aqua Park Qatar is Dangerous!" they did this to make fun of this topic by posting pics of ready placed and hiding the huge unfinished parts! but what I care about is that my voice reached them and many people in QL..
The good news is that after they officially announced they will open it on Tuesday (yesterday) they changed the plan and confessed that the PARK IS NOT SAFE!! This is an answer to WK accusing me of exaggerating! THEY SAID IT THEM SELF by a message to all member on their official facebook page, Here is a Copy of the message (and notice the bad English!)
We believe in Aqua Park -Qatar that we should give the best services and the provision of all means of comfort, safety and security.
And the fact that Aqua Park - Qatar is the first Water Park in Qatar which will serve as major tourist in Qatar.
we are really sorry to told you that Administration has decided to postpone the opening on Tuesday, 14.09.2010 until further notice.
The park will not open Tuesday 14-09-2010 By reasons beyond our control"
They were wrong at the first place when they annoced that it will open in Eid then in Tuesday causing people like we saw above to drive all the way there and be disappointed! not every one is a member in their facebook page!
So WK if I mistakenly approximated the distance that doesn't mean that all my topic is wrong! If after all of that u still don't believe us u can take ur children to play there but u will be responsible if they were injured.
@ genesis: the comments u saw in FB is only the soft ones but they deleted the harsh ones who set the facts straight!
@ steveprior: yes you are right Qatar need many of this attractions for people to find something to do in their free time.. and its disappointing that it is taking them that long to finish projects like that! lets hope the Losail cite will finish in the near future as they said it has a bigger Aqua park and a huge amusement park...
lol general have you been there?
It is a bit sad that after soooo long, a place like qatar needs this by all means but sad as it is not given much importance or emphasis. this is what we need and what our kids need, yet it is totally overlooked. truly disappointing.
I am so glad that I read this - we were planning to go out there to morrow... but now we will think of something else to do... Thanks again for the info.
My family and I went there today and according to the security on duty, the park will partially open this coming Tuesday 14-Sep. Entrance fee is 100QR/head. Not sure if it applies to child & adult. They didn't allow us to enter the park so i just took a picture of the main entrance.
You have never been there. You have no idea what you're talking about, so pi$$ off and give him/her some credit for informing people. The Kilometer thing is probably wrong, but you can't say he/she exaggerated about the park unless you've been there. Tired of you and your s t u p i d friends on here talking out of your (_i_) all the time!
Thanks for the info Observer, i have visited the place twice and the last time was 04aug saturday and i got the same answer from a worker at the gate "it will open on the 1st day of EID". So I think finish or not finish it will open for public or testing.
I tried to get inside just to chk it out, but I ended up going to the back outside the concrete wall and saw two cranes still working on the slides.
So for now i'll just wait for a positive feedback.
For those who want to "inspect" the place the coordinates are
N25.16009deg E51.29360deg or
N25deg 09.605' E51deg 17.616' or
N25deg 09' 36.3" E51deg 17' 36.9".
take Exit-29 then "service road", its around 25km from RAMADA signal straight ahead.
some of The face book group members shares your same Sentiment that the place is still not ready for opening. I've visited Aqua park Qatar last July and thought that the place still needs at least 4-6 months to be ready for opening as some facilities were still in construction stage.
Why the rush?
I hope the Management read the FB group comments & take notes. Most people will appreciate the place more once all facilities are available for visitors & the main attractions are well tested
but I still give more weight to the facts of somebody who has actually been and seen first hand, than a 'drive by' opinion.
And, for people who have experienced living in Qatar for sometime, we can well believe the observer's report.
I said i didn't see any construction equipment or any construction going on when I was there over the weekend. How is that disinformation. If I didn't see, I didn't see what can I do.
And the distance is not 75 kms from the Airport area, it's 40 Kilometers at max.
We can measure that in our cars if you want. Now since his very first complaint about the place is a gross exaggeration, I reckon the rest of the article is as well.
75kms?? Where are you coming from? It's less than 30kms from Ramada Signal.
Information. I will certainly change my plans.
whyteknight, unless you have been, don't comment on something you don't know about, it is called misinformation..
Observer, knowing local standards I believe in every word you posted. They should be ashamed. Why not contacting a local newspaper and see what they say! They might be interested in finding out how human labrats AND children were used to test highly dangerous equipment.
@ flor1212 : I totally wish that someone from those who was with us yesterday to come and share with us about the experience! however don't expect the park officials to say a word about what happened!
@ jackmohan2007: Yes very true! imagine that there were workers welding the bars under the water slide! while people was riding!! not to mention the workers cutting the wood with electrical saws just beside the kids slides!!
@ Rye & UkEngQatar : My friend told my they will test things on us for 15 QR, I told him r u crazy? they must have tested it many times before they bring us but unfortunately he was right!
@ Alumnar: Yea I guess the investors in this park don't want to miss the EID crowds and all the profit that will come with it! they want to open ASAP before winter come and season ends! They want that disregarding the safety of the people and they didn't even bother to pause working while we were there!! It seemed to me that they want to finish the park in any way!
@ whyteknight: Not even a word of what I said is exaggerated! its all facts that happened yesterday and when I write I always make sure to be precise because it is a responsibility. I took they risk to write this long topic to give u what media will hide on u!
regarding the machinery u said u didn't see u right about that because you won't be able to see it from salwa road u need to go inside the gate deep inside to see the contraction especially that it is surrounded by trees... and its not only machinery! There is tens of workers working inside in each corner, bathrooms, restraunts, gate, floor, and even the Ceiling!! I wish I had my mobile to take pictures and videos of what was going on!! and to shoot the incidents that happened in the slide! more than one flipped out of his boat and one was unlucky to land in a hard edge!! That thing made the safety manager embarrassed and he said " we tested this before but not on big crowds! its seems the the water is pumping stronger than needed!!" so where do u think I exaggerated?
@ Astrogirl11: Yea I was excited like you but then I went to a water park without riding any slide! no even a place for changing clothes!
@ KHATTAK: Yea post ponding is always expected here but how come they announce in newspaper that it will open in Eid while it is still not safe, not tested enough and under construction! When we let the Aqua park Our legs became muddy because of all the piles of sand in the entrance and we had to wave for the heavy machine working there to allow us to pass!
@ imambudi: You are right! You can find Hundreds of Water parks around the world from decades so why can't they hire experienced workers and management to plan things in safe way! Imagine that slides was leaking water above our heads while we were waiting in lines!
@ Vegas: Yea sure I won't! :) That is why I avoided writing this on their Facebook page! and they are deleting the bad FB comments about yesterday's trip anyway! (saw it by my eyes!) wish I can write an article about what happened yesterday in newspapers!!
Thanks for your responses. Let me answer you one by one:
@ LostInSpace & whyteknight: regarding the distance I didn't say it is from doha, it is approx 65 - 75 KM from where I live (I live in Airport area) and we left home at 8:12 and reached the park around 9:00 because you have to go throw salwa road far after the industrial area! so Yes its is pretty far!
@ genesis: how did you know all that details? was you there with us yesterday? My objection wasn't on how small it is! It's a good start for Qatar and better than nothing and it has a pretty nice wave pool and huge slides but my objection was on why didn't they inform us the nothing of them will be working and that the park is still under heavy heavy construction in every corner! and how they tested it on us!
the 15 qtr x 500 lucky lab rats = 7500 ( enough for 1 month salary for all aqua park construction workers )
probably next face-book draw will have more lucky members ;)
What did you expect for QR15?
This is what happens when incompetent inexperienced amateurs try to run the show.
To the poster, common you should know better! Do you really think they actually quality test things in here? You even said they opened the ride half an hour before closing...
hmm thanks for sharing... lets see how it looks like after opening
oh.. is it!!.. lets wat 4 the gud opinions thn
Thanks for the info, I'm about to go there w/ my family.
not good..
Thnaks for letting us know. I was planning to take the kid down to the new place in Doha, but think I'll give it a miss now.
WK, maybe he lives in the same area where we stay so he said 75 km. :)
i agree, frustration leads to exaggeration, but then, i still won't be going there for this year at least. i'll spare my disappointment and frustration this time. lol
Thanks for the Warning!!!!!
gloomy I went past the aqua park entrance this weekend, if you are living in Doha, it isn't 75 Kms from any place in DOha. In fact from the place where your office is, it's hardly a 15 minute drive. I couldn't see any machinery or construction going on there either but maybe they removed it during the weekend but still doubt the whole story. Ofcourse it is not finished yet and ofcourse the OP is frustrated but we do tend to exaggerate things when we are frustrated.
Its very dangerous to go where there is construction going on... especially water and electricity... they make bad companion ...
observation from another person/s who also visited the park. Just a confirmatory side. We should hold judgment by hearing the other side!
So any other Qler who was "lucky" enough to be on the test opening?
WK, at least he gave a hint on the actual situation of the park. exaggerated or not, he shared something informative buddy. he knows almost everyone's excited about the park. 50 mins drive is not near when you speak about doha. taking 75 kms for nothing would just give you irritation. right?
for the information,,,,!
lets see...what the management of that park,,,decided after this incident,,,!
Sounds exaggerated
Thank you for taking the time to inform us, having seen the quality of work here, I might just give it a miss altogether.
They should be ASHAMED to invite adults AND children to be LAB RATS (as the OP so correctly calls it) to a dangerous and ridiculous test of the water park. SHAME on the owners who have nothing else in mind but making money, instead of caring first about safety. Typical of Qatar!!! And you still had to pay QAR 15??? Are they for real???
Further delay was pretty much expected...but questions over its safety & quality is heart breaking.
TFS.. I have been very excited about this park, but I will wait a while and see what happens before I go
Don't let them know who you are...
They will get you for slander...
Don't let them know who you are...
They will get you for slander...
Wait til next summer for the water park I guess...
Good that u have informed.
Crazy management...where did they learn that
TFS... :-)
Thanks for the warnings...will do!
Don't get yours hopes too high. It's nothing compared to wild wadi or Aqua Adventure in Dubai. The Aqua park is a small scale privately owned water park. The facilities are just average, plus the location is not really Appealing. It's heavily under construction, I wouldn't recommend anyone taking their kids to the place till at least two months after their proposed Eid opening date
Are you sure?