FOTBALL MATCH - Wednesday 27 October 8:00 PM

Post here if you wanna come. See you all on the field (if we are enought for 2 teams this time:P ).
The location is the same as before at aziziah compound : Coming from Al Sadd (on Al Wabb street) turn left at Aspire signal.... after 1.500 m on the right side will be Al Saysalya sport club... after another 300 m take the side road and Aziziah compound is there (has 2 towers at the gate).
Coming from Ramada (on Salwa road)turn right at TATA round-about (the 3rd one from Ramada). After 1.000 m on the right side will be Beverly Hils Compound... on the left is AZIZIAH.. you must do an "U" turn to reach it..