Understand Qur'an, SC-2, organized by QMySAP

1. The below email for Short Course-2 is sent by Understand Qur'an Team on behalf of QMySAP team
2.The below course is organized by QMySAP team.
3.The course Presenter is same as Short Course-1 held at Fanar.
4.All communication/clarifications for below course will ONLY be handled by QMySAP team, contact details mentioned below.
Understand Qur'an, the Easy Way, Short Course-2
Assalamu' alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuhu,
Dear Brother / Sister,
We are pleased to announce the schedule for Understand Qur'an, the Easy Way, Short Course-2
Alhamdulillah it is started at QMySAP, Furqan School from 5th January 2013 for 10 weeks, registrations are open.
Also, please see the details of the course in brief:
Course Title : Understand Qur'an, The Easy Way (Short Course-II)
Course Language: English
Course Duration : 10 Saturdays
Course Schedule : 5th January to 9th March (Only on Saturday) , Although the course has just started, only one chapter has been completed, for those who have missed that chapter, we will try to do a rerun of the same.
Course Timings : 9.00am to 11.00am
Location : Furqan School, Conference Hall, Doha - Qatar (Arrangement for sisters)
Fees: QR 50/- (including study material)
Please registrations on through [email protected] text on 66939263/66631814.
Please note:
1.Registration for each participant (above 8 years) is mandatory.
2.Limited Seats - Registrations will close as soon as seats are filled.
Jazakumullaho Khairan,
QMySAP Admin