Islamic Bookstore in Doha, Qatar

:: A Bookstore and regular Lessons for all Muslims and non-Muslims to benefit from ::
Due to a lack of information in the English language, i am therefore reposting this post.
BaarakAllaahu feeKum. For all who have asked, al-hamdulillaah, Yes there is a Sunni community in Qatar.
This is what we believe, and what we call to.
Click here to find out...
Al-hamdulillaah there is a Bookstore in Doha (see details below), and we also have many regular study circles at the Masjid, every day of the week for all the Muslims to benefit from, bi'idhnillaahi ta'aala.
:: Details of the Islamic Bookstore ::
The Bookstore is named Dar al-Imaam al-Bukhari, and it is on Salwa Road, Doha (see map below)...
Tel: 5572 0058
Fax: 4468 5588
Email: [email protected]
--> Click Here to see Map of the Bookstore <--
Here you will insha'Allaah find Islamic Ahadeeth and other Reference Books, study materials, books of the Salaf-us-Saleh (the Righteous Muslims of the past who have come before us), and you will also find books of the contemporary Ulema such as as Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Luhaydaan, Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad, Shaykh Rabee ibn Haadee, Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee, Shaykh Baazmool and many others (may Allaah protect and preserve all the Ulema of this Ummah).
:: Weekly Study Circles ::
Details of the lessons will be tweeted:
Maa'sha'Allaah there are 15 (Yes, Fifteen) Islamic Lessons every week.
Al-hamdulillaah, Ahlus-Sunnah love knowledge and love to be educated. This is from the signs to recognise them (along with the fact that we love the Ulema and the Imaams of the Salaf-us-Saleh). And we here in Qatar currently have in the Masjid 2 lessons every evening after Salatul-Isha'a, for all 7 days of the week... and 1 extra lesson on Fridays after Maghrib Prayer (free and open for all to attend and benefit insha'Allaah).
Our Dawah is open to all of mankind, to both Muslims and non-Muslims we call to following the teachings of the Qur'aan and Sunnah, to worshipping Allaah alone upon Tawheed, and to learn and follow the Qur'aan and aHadeeth upon the understanding of the Sahaaba (to try understand and implement Islam upon the understanding of the Disciples of the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) who are the best of this Nation and who took Islaam directly from the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa sallam).
The Dawah of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaah is open and clear with nothing to hide. So if anyone reading this is interested in knowing what we call to, then please click here to Find out what we call to?
And feel free to go the Bookstore and benefit insha'Allaah.
Details of the lessons will be posted on my twitter soon insha'Allaah (just need to verify some information first).
PS: I will insha'Allaah gradually put out the remainder of the information on my twitter
This is due to past posts being deleted soon after they are posted.