Prayer to Recite More n More in Ramadhan

As Salaam u Alaikum,
It has been advised to us by our Prophet (SAW) PBUH to do 4 things in the month of Ramadhan.
1. Recite Kalima
2. Ask for forgiveness
3. Request for Jannat(Paradise)
4. Protect from Jahanum (Hell)
All of the four are in this one:-
Laailaha Illalahu Muhammedur Rasoolullah, Astaghfiruka Allahumma Inna Nas'alukal Jannata Wa na'oozubika Minan Naar
There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Mohammed (SAW)PBUH is his messenger - I seek Allah.s forgiveness. We ask of Him to give us heaven(Jannat) and seek His protection from hellfire. aameeen
Please remember me in your Prayers... Thanks