Second QL Photoshoot

Just in case you missed the comment, the second QL Photoshoot is taking place this Saturday at 7pm on the Corniche.
Here are details from the organiser, Bridge :
After a very succesful first shoot, it's my pleasure to announce the second QL/Flickr photoshoot on Saturday 23 June. This time we'll be doing a night-shoot, not just because it's impossible to shoot during the day in this weather, but also because there's some great nighttime shots that are just waiting to be captured!We'll meet up on Saturday 23 June at 19.00h at the Nescafe booth at the start of the Corniche. The Corniche starts at the Sheraton hotel, and right after the playground, on the round square where the Corniche starts, there's a small coffee booth.
The meeting is open to any photography enthousiasts (beginners and fanatics, all types of cameras though some sort of time-setting on your camera may help at night...).
To particpate in the photoshoot, please join the Qatar Living Photo Group and the related Flickr Group (you will need to create an account on Yahoo! to add photos to Flickr).
UPDATE : Please make sure to tag all the photos with the tags qatar and photoshoot2