SCHOOLS - Primary & Secondary in DOHA
Al Jazeera Academy
We are one of three schools of the Ta’allum Group. Students in lower years (Kindergarten – Year 3) learn in a co-ed environment. From Year 4 onwards, boys and girls learn in same gender classes, in separate wings of the school, but still under one roof.
We welcome all cultures, beliefs and backgrounds to join our school in building upon the four pillars of our mission:
- Educational Excellence
- Islamic Values
- E-Learning
- Qatari Identification.
We are committed to providing the best educational experience possible for all students. We are rigorous in our recruitment process to ensure we are providing excellent teachers. We pride ourselves with excellent resources enclosed in a beautifully appointed, purpose-built facility. Our goal is to be recognized as a leading school in the region.
All students are instilled with the importance of respect and courtesy; fundamentals in enabling students to grow beyond subject areas and appreciate the differences in others so they become truly global citizens.