Rent Dispute and stopping bank Cheques

I signed a two year contract for a flat but due to some personal reasons I have left the flat and possession of the flat has been given to building security on owner's representative instructions. I have contacted the owner's representative (Mandoob) many times but he is not returning me the cheques. I have already filed a case with Rent Dispute Committee in Muntazah. I requested Dafna Court for stopping cheque payments but the judge without giving any reason rejected my request. I shall be pleased if someone can help me.
What do you suggest if I keep ZERO balance in my account. What are the rules for a cheque bounce in Qatar because of Zero Balance.
As per my lease document I can leave the flat after 1 year and the advance will not be returned. To this condition I agree and I am insisiting on the same clause for returning of my other cheques. If anyone of you can suggest a lawyer and his contact details shall be helpful.
If your check bounces, it can land you into trouble. The other party can just take a report from the bank and report the incident to the police. They may then block your exit from the country, block your account, and also put you on trial. I suggest you get hold of a lawyer. If you go to the court in Dafna, you may be able to find a lawyer there to give you legal advice and assistance.
What does your lease say? Typical contracts in Qatar state that vacating the property prior to the conclusion of the lease agreement forfeits your post dated checks. It would seem the judge agrees since he rejected your request to have the checks returned.
You could try having a zero balance in your account. But then you'll just get arrested for writing bad checks, and possibly jailed or deported.
You signed a contract for 2 years. Your best option is to find someone to take over the apartment and they can pay you the rent each month.