Horse available :)
Ok, I know of a horse that is up for adoption, she is currently stabled out at stables on the North Road (bout 15 to 20 mins) from Landmark. She's a bit of a sweetheart, and if anyone is interested or wants more information, please pm me and I'll give you a contact. I'm going out there this afternoon so will get some pictures to post on the animal blog/attach here or forward on to anyone who is interested
btw, there is a small amount to pay to the person who is looking for someone to take her over. Stabling/Livery at the particular stables is 700QR per month.
Her name is Dana, she is 7 years old, has had a lot of work done with her over the past 6 months or so, using trainers from Shaqab. She has a very sweet nature, and needs someone who is beyond the beginner stage. She has been ridden and Ive been told, very calm and pleasant to ride. She's got a lot of scars but whether this is from previous bad treatment or bites from other horses I'm not sure. I think the current 'owner' has very little time to give her and that is the reason she is up for adoption.
She was previously at stables around the corner from where she is now. There was only a sand paddock at that one, but now she is stabled in a yard with at least 50 other horses, surrounded by trees and green fields. The places to hack are lovely.