"Kill Yourself"
Kill Yourself
Beggars can’t be choosers…
and the choosers won’t be beggars.
The winners and the losers tie up loose ends together
Whose friends forever?
No one knows…
as to why spiting your face means off with your nose.
When the bloody uproar arose…
Where were your sensibilities then?
Shot yourself in the face while thinking… “That’ll teach them.
As I rot away beneath them…I’ll know who really cares.
Find me in the casket section…it’s cozy there.
Is it a mission impossible?
It’s really quite plausible…
That I’ll make more noise when my vital beeps are inaudible
After the flat line…the volume goes…
down forever…no more laughs and good times…lord knows I valued those.
But I can’t bring them back from inside my hell…
I’m sure I had a good reason but now I can’t tell”
Despite any efforts I made to heal myself…
my final action was to kill myself.
Despite any efforts I made to heal myself…
my final action was to kill myself.
I’m on the bridge to jump and I know I can’t fly
See…I’ve convinced myself there’s no way I can die.
In my mind…I’m going to live forever.
The memories are better than having me…
So remember all the times that we had together.
All the times we shared secrets, held hands, and laughed together…
Are things of the past so alas…it’s better.
Regret what? This life’s for granted
I’ll just get another one if it breaks…this one is slightly slanted.
My mind’s eye’s enchanted.
I can see the light shine.
My spirit will rise again…mostly in the night time.
And then I’ll have wings…
And then I can fly…
And then I’ll stay by my mother’s side…
And then she won’t cry…
Because she knows that I am there somewhere.
Even though she can’t touch me…
kiss me…
hold me…
hug me…
love me…
that I thought this through.
Because if this was a mistake…there is no telling how the cost could accrue.
But about nothing there is much ado…
Because I know in my heart of hearts that I’d never be missed…
Would you?
Despite any efforts I made to heal myself…
my final action was to kill myself.
Despite any efforts I made to heal myself…
my final action was to kill myself.