The sound of your voice is enough to soothe me
A half-smile is enough to brighten my day and lift my spirits
Looking at you, I so wanted to embrace you
In my mind, I see an image of us locked in each other’s arms
But they may be forever an image…
A secret hope…an aspiration…
In spite of the way you sting my emotions
By the coldness of your heart
And lack of compassion…
By the way you trick my senses into mad wildness…
And then leave me dry and wanting…
In spite of that all, you warm my heart
You warm my soul…
For how long this will last
I surely do not know…
I live my life with agony of wanting and loving
Someone who does not want and love me back…
It’s not I with my complete senses who chose you…
My heart chose you…AND I SO WILLINGLY OBEY.