Prices of 500 commodities, on occasion of Ramadan, to be reduced from today

Qatar’s Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC) has issued a list of more than 500 commodities that will be sold at reduced prices on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, reported Gulf Times.
These consumer goods will be available at reduced prices starting today until the end of the holy month of Ramadan.
The initiative will be particularly helpful as spending on food purchases is increasing.
The Ministry has slashed the prices of several commodities including milk, meat and honey, reported Qatar Tribune.
The discounted consumer goods initiative is the latest in a series of welfare programmes rolled out by the ministry under the slogan #lessthanduty to mark the holy month of Ramadan. As part of the programme, the monthly ration of sugar and milk for citizens has already been increased.
The initiative, like in previous years, is aimed at easing the burden on citizens and residents as they undertake an arduous spiritual pursuit in the holy month.
All commodities consumed by people during the holy month have been included in the list. They include flour, sugar, rice, pasta, oil, milk, and other food and non-food items of importance to the consumer.
The list of reduced prices has been circulated among all major retail outlets in the country. Consumers can also view the list on the ministry's website and at all the ministry’s social networking sites.
Welcome step .............. Good for all ........................
imkushan: buddy, you very clearly have a chip on your shoulder because of which you could grasp neither the content of my comment nor the language i typed it in; i'd have loved to help you and to address each of your erroneous assumptions but something tells me that; just as on your first attempt, you won't understand at the second time of asking too :-)
imkushan: buddy, you very clearly have a chip on your shoulder because of which you could grasp neither the content of my comment nor the language i typed it in; i'd have loved to affress each of your erroneous assumptions but something tells me that if you couldn't
imkushan Before you post a comment like what you have said " And Forget every corner of Qatar, there is only one religious place for Non Muslim to practice their faith in Qatar", you should have made sure what your were saying.. You DON'T know. Check out the following link and you will be SURPRISED.
You don't even know about your own places of worship and you go about posting rubbish.
Yes absolutely right "Highest number of people practice their faith peacefully in non Muslim countries. visit this :"
what a ridiculous remark : "mosques at every corner and a safe peaceful environment to practice our faith; the same can't be said for many of our brothers in non muslim or poor countries"
when u visit non Muslim countries?
Highest number of people practice their faith peacefully in non Muslim countries. visit this :
Mere 5 Mosque in Non Muslim country will cover QatarPopulation
And Forget every corner of Qatar, there is only one religious place for Non Muslim to practice their faith in Qatar
haha i never thought there were 500 commodities we use; jokes aside, its just great to be Muslim in the Arab world; the article calls it an arduous pursuit but alhamdlillah we are pampered during ramadan here with shorter work days, mosques at every corner and a safe peaceful environment to practice our faith; the same can't be said for many of our brothers in non muslim or poor countries and thus we should count our blessings and make sure we make the most of ramadan and earn maximum reward from it; we have the easiest ramadan by far; so let us not waste it by sleeping all day and fighting on the roads and thinking our road rage is ok because we are fasting; we are endlessly blessed to be fasting here and have no idea as to what a difficult fast feels like, alhamdlillah; may allah guide us all ameen :-)
but fruit prices will be double