Teach yourself Arabic!
For those who are going to move or already have moved to Qatar, it would definitely be useful to learn (some) Arabic. Unfortunately, one not always has access to time and resources needed to learn a new language. First thing is to drop the prejudice that Arabic is very difficult! This is not so! Here are some myth busters about Arabic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flcVUaIbNEU&feature=youtu.be.
With some will and self-discipline you can learn the basics on your own, using free online materials! Among others, check this one out: http://www.arabiconline.eu/. It is funded by the European Union and is completely free! Good luck!
ok shukran..
I was just about to ask the question on this forum about where to go to learn a bit of basic Arabic! Which dalect they speak in Qatar? Is it similar to the one spoken in Egypt?
I know it is not easy to pick it up from a website, however, the course is great for learning the basics of Modern Standerd Arabic. It is a good place to start before you dive into really learning one dialect :)
I know it is not easy to pick it up from a website, however, the course is great for learning the basics of Modern Standerd Arabic. It is a good place to start before you dive into really learning one dialect :)
ok tnx.
very useful, thank you very much for sharing this
TFS! Not that easy to pick up from the site.
But thank you for reminding me that I need to get back on track with my fledgling Arabic, to set aside 1-2 hours every day to learn a bit and practise... a tad difficult when not immersed in the language where I am at the moment.