My 1000 points &QL Bank
since there is no use of the points here in this site
i am inventing a new way to use them.
my first point goes to everybody thanking them
my second is a forgiveness point for all the people they hurt me by their msgs and comments, and it is 1 point because i can forgive easily.
998 points i devote them asking people that i hurt to forgive me for all the mistakes i did or comments,to everyone gave me a chances of forgiveness.
see you after another 1000 points ;)
I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk
sujoycr said sujoy said
31057 to be precise!!
One_Shot Congratulations!!
Ok well done 1000 points, that another 30,000 before you catch the wolf leading at around 31,000
Can We Fix It?
Yes We Can!
barty with BBebsy and khubbboz ;)
MU2M :(
I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk
Mabaruk Dude,,, really very nice idea of celebreting your 1000 points Lets have BARTY,,, Mabaruk Again..
Mabrook for making 1000 points..
don't look to the empty glass
MU2M :(
I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk
u mean u again goin to hurt the people and gain 998 points ? :(
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
I appreciate the way you are celebrating your 1000 Points. What a great way to do it bro..... :-)
And Yeah.... Congratulations for your milestone ;)
------------------------------------------------------Whenever I find the Key to Success, Someone Steals it.
ok..c u next time
sorry for bothering,
MU2M :(
I like French cofee,but it is simply Turkish with milk
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"