Platter full of stars and moons and galaxies.

Yesterday night around 40-50 people including me and my kid travelled to a place near Al Amriya, under the great guidance of Mr. Ajith the astronomer.
After a pretty long drive, the moment when we stepped down from the car, looked up, it was like that sky served us a shining platter full of star.
One of the most beautiful night, watching galaxies and stars and multiple moons. Around 15-18 families joined and made this night so memorable.
Mr. Ajith fixed everybody's telescopes and his as well. First time I saw Jupiter with many moons around it so clear with green bluish brownish layers. Magnificent!
I realized that heavy telescope got weight to balance them, you need lazer light to align the stars and telescope lenses.
Thank you this group of the astronomers and those parents are buying heavy telescopes for their kids. Hats off!
** It is better if they can promote astronomy tourism in Qatar with great views. Meteor showers were so clear last night. And if they can make some decks in these remote areas with big reflecting guiding signs and raw pathways. Will be a good activity for the students and parents for sure.
*** Last night many kids had heavy telescopes. Really impressed that in Qatar there is a big number of very young astronomers are coming up.