Many do not know this!!

It is the nature of people to speak about any thing they see, but it becomes wrong when people transfer the talk in a way which does not have respect to people let me give an example so it becomes more clear:
Ali, Ahmed, Saad are friends and one time Saad spoke bad thing about Ahmed, and Ali was listening and he went to Ahmed and said hey Ahmed do you know what Saad said about you? Ali: he said ........
Here in Qatar we used to say your enemy is not the one who spoke about you, your enemy is who transferred what is said about you.
Saad can speak till what ever, Ahmed would know only if some one transferred to him.
So let us be good friends and advise each other.
This type of persons who transfer the bad talk are one type of enemy.
Absolutely right marycatherine, well said.
Kahlid is a troll, his own posts bear this out - contradictory and in some cases, nonsensical. He only posts to get other people to chime in. Stop giving him this unwarranted attention - also he plagarizes which is fraudulent behaviour.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Yes Ali is saying the truth but Ahmed should tell Saad in a good way, like advising him if there is bad things in Saad behavior.
Always try to find the good way.
But isn't Ali telling the truth in your parable?
I echo Gypsy - make up your mind.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
The human evil is not the one who does not advise but is a person who knows the truth and does not say it.
In the court for example a person can be sent to death or jail for life if the truth is not said.
Advising is a good practice but we should start from our selves.
In one thread you say that anyone who doesn't "advise" others is an evil person, and in this thread you're telling people to keep their thoughts to themselves.
Make up your mind.
How can you say that tallg, mocking non-believers is ofcourse a very pious act! It gives one that warm glow that comes with being in the right section of humanity and yeah 'Respect' figures somewhere in there, I forgot just where exactly, but I'm sure it does.
... here it goes.....
apply the centuries old tradition of "DEAD MALICE" or deadma and ignore both the person who talked behind your back and the person who transferred information to you...
tellement de drama!!!
Don't you feel a bit hypocritical talking about 'respect' when only a few days ago you were mocking other religions?
I would want to know from a friend that I had done something/said something wrong.
However, the 'friend' did wrong by not going directly to the person. The enemy in my opinion is the person, that (a) betrayed a confidence by passing on knowledge that was not his to give. (b) making out he was the good guy by 'gossiping' (c) why just not keep quiet but the say to the person,'I don't like what you said about our mutual friend.
Sorry but I think the friend who tells a friend what another friend has said is a shit stirrer and the enemy just as much as friend A.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
Like the story of the 3 monkey's who are each Deaf, Dumb & Blind...Good one
True, thanks.
nice one...
Back bitters...
Well said..
Never speak untruths about another.