All about RAMADAN

What is RAMADAN ?
Ramadan is a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world. It is a time for inner reflection, devotion to God, and self-control. Muslims think of it as a kind of tune-up for their spiritual lives. There are as many meanings of Ramadan as there are Muslims.
anybody can ask any question about Ramadan.
@annc: I greatly agree with you.. it's the attitude of the people during the Holy month of Ramadan, their will power to think only god.
A good husband is healthy and always absent.
A healthy man is a successful man.
Japanese Proverbs
Sounds worth the extra effort to me. 6 extra days = 1 year of purification, is the math right?
Nov, I think that things should go on as normal. It is a test for Muslims. It is NOT about sleeping all day and eating all night.
@south, after ramadan there are some special days that if you fast it's considered that you've fasted for a whole year :) so yes, there is extra credit.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Thanks manyana
3:39AM to 8:22PM in uk
3:57AM to 5:55PM in doha
I will miss”majbos/lqemat/khanfroosh/thareed” and some taste meals from my aunts :~(
Thanks Qatar!!
I wonder the same thing as you! I lived in Indonesia for years, and found their religious sacrifices amazing. They truly practiced self-control, sacrifice, and discipline. Everything around them remained open as usual, and it was up to THEM to deny themselves, and focus on god. Here, and in Saudi Arabia, it is not really fasting- things just aren't available!! There is no sacrifice if you are not denying yourself. My cook in Indonesia told me "devout Muslims can sit at a feast and deny themselves food, turning their thoughts to god instead".She would have me taste food she was preparing for my family, to check for seasoning, as she was fasting. Yet she prepared 3 meals a day for my children and I. THAT is what Ramadan is about. Not silly laws which prevent everyone from eating, Muslim or not. If you lived in the US, would the government make you eat a lovely ham dinner and celebrate EAster? ha.
Well its going to be hard this Ramadan as the sun sets around 9 ish in the evening....since the clock wont be changing until October....but after a couple of days fasting you get used to it...enjoy it brother.
KH....any luck on Google
For men it's much easier..It’s ok dude :P. Most restaurants here close during daylight, so it’s better to cook at your place :D.
I have same idea with u, it’s my first time to try Ramadan in U.K. anybody here knows when the sun go down in UK in September?
Thanks Qatar!!
So much for the "Welcome mat" from the natives.
Novi - I guess back home is a little less conservative. It seems that religion is coaxed here, literally worn on the sleeve. Do you get extra credit for observing Ramadan in more 'tempting' parts of the world, since you have to truly practice restraint with all of that temptation.
Q1 - So non Muslim men should wear long sleeves to not offend? How about blue jeans and sneakers? And we cannot be seen eating or drinking in public during daylight hours? BTW - These are serious questions. This is my first Ramadan in Qatar.
Drac - You have an unfair advantage during fasting season ;)
Just wondering why in this part of the world the authority have to shut down most eateries and cafes during Ramadhan?.
Back home in Indonesia, during Ramadhan ... business goes as usual. You can eat and drink as you like, as far as you be considerate to others who fast.
Did I say westerner? Sorry I didn’t specify westerner.. I mean the women who dress short cloths Hopping they dress long one during Ramadan.. (Yes there is some of them in corniche at 4 to 7PM)
By the way, khanfroosh is kind of gulf food as a sweet. It mixed with Sugar, Flour yeast, Cardamom, Saffron, Flower-water.. test one u may like it :P and this the picture of it
Thanks Qatar!!
Am still in the dark. did not see any :(((
Actually I cannot say I haven't seen anything. But your comment had me checking google earth and searching every corner. No luck so far.
Well am yet to see any westerner walking naked in Qatar....please enlighten me if you have??????....coz if shorts skirt reaching the knees is naked then brother you haven't seen anything...
are we expected to walk or drive blind-folded?
Why would you be looking in the first place while your fasting....aren't you suppose to refrain from worldly pleasures????
something wrong with that?
Thanks Qatar!!
Can you get extra credit for fasting beyond the time of Ramadan and for inviting non-Muslims to share in this enlightening experience?
it's not a rule though (in case someone thinks it is)
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
I hope that non-Muslim wear something that cover their bodies..=/
Thanks Qatar!!
this is khanfroosh
hehe guys can u tell me how i can add image and i'll put khanfarooosh :O
Khanfaroosh ??
sounds like some irani dish ...!!!
Are from Qasim in KSA :o)
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Yah its, but i dont envy them now, the sun doesn't set until like 9 pm..... its going to be hard.
so it marginally better to fast in Europe cos the days are shorter.....
True say....i think like 4 or 3 yrs ago we used to fast until 3 pm in the
it just seems that its a reversal of day and night......
Even though am so used fasting during winter and the times are so short, but defiantly this will be an an experience to remember....
It will be one of ur best experiences in ur life Inshallah
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
Looking forward to this Ramadan inshallah. It will my first time to experience Ramadan in a Islamic environment.
teena maria
Does anybody know what is the best & no.1 dates in the market? I would like to give it as a gift to a sepecial friend.
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
teena maria
thank you very much!
teena maria
could you please tell me when it will start?
There is no exact date..probably on 1st september
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
Harees is the best...delicous
Ramadan on its Way.......:)
teena maria
when is the exact date of ramadan this year?
its all about FASTING.
very delicious meal, HAREESA
locals do certain favorite foods, like HAREESA, THREED, KHANFAROSH, SAMBOSA.
MUHAMMER (sweety rice with fish).
Food in Ramadan
Since Ramadan is a special time, Muslims (Submitters) in many parts of the world prepare certain favorite foods during this month. Since Ramadan emphasizes community aspects and since everyone eats dinner at the same time, Muslims often invite one another to share in the Ramadan evening meal.
Some Muslims (Submitters) find that they eat less for dinner during Ramadan than at other times due to stomach contraction. However, as a rule, most Muslims experience little fatigue during the day since the body becomes used to the altered routine during the first week of Ramadan.
Wrote a bit about it on here
Ramadan in Qatar
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Muslims practice sawm, or fasting, for the entire month of Ramadan. This means that they may eat or drink nothing, including water, while the sun shines. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars (duties) of Islam. As with other Islamic duties, all able Muslims take part in sawm from about age twelve.
During Ramadan in the Muslim world, most restaurants are closed during the daylight hours. Families get up early for suhoor, a meal eaten before the sun rises. After the sun sets, the fast is broken with a meal known as iftar. Iftar usually begins with dates and sweet drinks that provide a quick energy boost.
Fasting serves many purposes. While they are hungry and thirsty, Muslims are reminded of the suffering of the poor. Fasting is also an opportunity to practice self-control and to cleanse the body and mind. And in this most sacred month, fasting helps Muslims feel the peace that comes from spiritual devotion as well as kinship with fellow believers.
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