Safe Driving - Educating People

I’d like to talk about safe driving. The main reason is to educate readers who may not have lived in a society where driving safety has been promoted for decades.
My key points that I’d like to stress AND hear comments on are:
(a) Wearing a seatbelt (all passengers). Some people believe that an airbag does that job. That’s not the case. There’s a good reason that cars have seatbelts, and that wearing them is law in most countries.
(b) Putting children in child car-seats. Oh how I wish people would realize the importance of this. When a car stops suddenly (in an accident, or even hard breaking), any object not fastened down will continue to move at the same speed – a child can easily be killed. Don’t rely on luck or God’s will to protect you. Consider the Islamic hadith (story of Prophet) which says Trust in God, but tie your camel. In other words, Leash it it, or it may walk away. For those still in doubt, consider that other Islamic countries have made it law to wear seatbelts and use child car-seats. Qatar will follow, I just wish it would be sooner rather than later.
(c) Leave a gap between you and the car in front – give yourself time to react to what’s going on in front of you. Last year there were more than 70,000 road accidents in Doha alone (not in the country, in this town alone), and this year there have already been more than 90 deaths on the roads. How many of these accidents could have been prevented by slowing down and leaving a gap.
(d) There’s much more to debate, I’d like to hear your opinions on what people need to learn, and when we think things will change here. Try to make your answers educational.
Let’s save some lives!
Pay attention?
Your journey is not the time to text, make a phone call, read the newspaper, look for something in the glove box or any combination of the above.
Not play chicken?
Driving straight at another vehicle (or pedestrian) is not amusing. Its bloody dangerous.
Not assume that because your vehicle is bigger you own the road??
Any or all of the above would make drivig here a little less like an extreme sport!!!
it's a bad day every morning on Abu Hamour rd!
oh lady cool down whats wrong guess u had a bad day on road :D
and when driving on a two way road, don't create a third lane straight up the middle for your exclusive use.
while traveling on a one lane road, don't create new lanes to the left or right so it turns into a 4 lane road.
and for Christs sake, don't block the intersection!
How about be patient and wait your damn turn instead of driving to the front?
when u see the speed limit on road 80km/h doesnot mean u add 1 to it and make it 180km/h
when u see no parkin sign doesnot mean u just leave ur car parked there.
the fastlane doesnot mean u drive at 40km/h on it or i will bang u from behind :D
when u see a sexy chick doesnot mean u slow down keep on moving u will find more ahead some where :D
avoid over speeding... and over taking...
don't just stop anywhere... park in a proper place and in a proper way...
if u doesn't mean that it will be your road... wait for your patient..
pray before u start driving...