Animal Husbandry & Veterinary seeks employment

My name is Debbie, I lived and worked in Doha Qatar and I am now in Dandong China. I am an English Teacher. I have a friend here, she is Chinese and her English name is Chloe, her Chinese Name is: CHEN LI. She spent 3 years going to Liaoning Medical University under the College of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary with a Specialty of Animal epidemic prevention and quarantine, but unfortunately she was not able to finish her last year. She's a wonderful and caring young woman and loves animals so much, but again she is not lucky in her own country, few Veterinaries here in China, therefore she has worked on an International Cruise and Chinese-English Translator, but since last year has been unemployed. I want to help her by trying to find her employment in Qatar, I know her life will change for the better; she will be able to help support her parents here and do what she does best, take care of animals. If you can find it in your heart to give her a chance, God Bless!
Here are her details:
Email: [email protected]
Thank you so much
Best regards,
Debbie McCullough