Naseeha: Dhul Hijjah

Assalamu alaikum dear brothers and sisters;
Today is the 29th of Thul-Qedah. Which means Dhul Hijjah is very near.
It is narrated from Jabir ibn Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon Him) said,
“The best days of the world are the ten days, the ten days of Dhul Hijjah.”
[Reported by Bazzar and ibn Habban and authenticated by Sh Al-Albani]
Hence please do hasten to benefit from them before they pass us by this year, with no guarantee if we'll live to experience them all again next year. Spend your time in much Ibaada: fasting, specially on the day of Arafah as Fasting on the day of Arafah is greatly preferred because of what has been narrated from the Messenger (Sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) that the one who fasts the day of Arafah, his (minor) sins of the previous year and the year to come are forgiven by Allaah [reported by Muslim] , dhikr, reciting and pondering over the speech of Allah with it's Tafsir, giving in charity etc. And make much Thawba, Isthighfar, and other dua...truly we are always in need of Allah's forgiveness and mercy.
And stay away from evil deeds not just in these days truly blessed from Allah, but always.
Barakhallah feekum!