Mums the word newsletter- June/July/August 2008

Mums the word - By Katie Eramus..
Issue 46 June/July/August 2008
Firstly, my apologies for the delay in issuing the latest edition of MTW. Some of you may know that I have been out of action with Pneumonia but will be pleased to hear that I have now made a full recovery.
Secondly, I have decided to hand over the responsibility of MTW to Helen Hystek ([email protected]) who is very eager to keep Mum’s the Word going. I have been producing it for the last 5 years and feel it is time to move on as my youngest son will start pre-school in September.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our faithfull readers for all your contributions over the last 5 years and to wish Helen the best of luck for the future with MTW.
Please make sure you email Helen at [email protected] if you would like to receive future issues of MTW and keep the info coming to keep MTW interesting and informative.
WANTED a loving home for our South African big black cat. He is a neutered male, 13 years old and very affectionate. Used to children. Please telephone : 5324557
NEW Apple Tree Nursery is a new nursery near Aspire/Villaggio providing care for children from 1- 3 years. We have lovely, bright spacious premises with indoor and outdoor play areas, including sand & water play, music & movement and bikes & trikes. All of our toys and equipment comes from reputable dealers in the U.S. Europe and the U.K.
The Apple Tree team is qualified and experienced with adult: child ratios of 1:3 for 12 – 24 months, 1:4 for 2-3 years, 1:5 for 3-4 years.
To learn more about Apple Tree Nursery please phone 4812147 / 5826234 / 5514533 or e-mail [email protected]
We are open from 7 – 2 p.m Sunday to Thursday and remain open during July and August.
Busy Bees Summer Programme - June 29th to August 28th 2008
For children 1 year – 6 years old
Are you here for the summer? Wondering how to entertain your young child already? For the fourth year, Busy Bees Nursery is running a summer programme full of fun, crafts, water play, dress–up, ktchen-fun, soft play room and computer fun.
Let your children get creative and make new friends!
We offer -
• A choice of 5 days, 3, and 2 days a week
• For all or just part of the summer –choose your dates and only pay for the days you need!
Opening hours are 6am – 2.30pm.
Drop and pick up any time in between.
For further information please E-mail [email protected] or visit
Or call Busy Bees Office 4472319 / Mob 6563265
New Families/Friends for Defeat Autism Now (DAN).
A support group for anyone who would like to listen and/or
Share/contribute their experiences with autism. Let us Defeat
Autism Now!!
Please contact me, Monica, at [email protected]
Regular Weekly What’s On:
New StoryBook and Music – Come and join us for a new story every week. You will enjoy Music (Using Bells, Maracas, Shakers, Scarves, Balls, Rhythm sticks, Parachute games) a story (based on a different theme every week) and then a craft. Stay for coffee and play afterwards. Ages 1 – 6. Contact Deb on 672 3971 or [email protected] look forward to seeing you soon.
Pepka Yoga Studios - Yoga for kids, expectant mums, dads and everyone else. Classes everyday. Look at our website for further information -
Irish Society Mums and Kids Irish Community Little Ones are now meeting monthly on the first Tuesday at different locations. Last events have been a great success and we look forward to welcome any new arrivals to Qatar's Irish community to our next fun-filled family afternoon on Tuesday 3rd June. For more information please call Katy on 5449210 or [email protected]
Deutsche Kleinkindspielgruppe/German-speaking Toddler Playgroup Im/at the Intercontinental Hotel Doha’s Bay Club
For (future) German-Speaking babies and toddlers (age 0 to 3 years) of the German Community in Doha and their friends. Children of other nationalities are very welcome! Play on the grass, by the beach or in the plunge pool, depending on the weather and the mood of the children. Always Wednesday mornings from 10 to 12. Starting, provided there is enough interest, on November 21st. Special entry fee for non-members: 40 QR for 2 hours or 100 QR for the full day (regular fee 160 QR). Coffee, Tea and other refreshments are available at the club at extra cost. Mums must stay and hold the responsibility for their children. For further information and registration: Julia Poncar, GSM 552 3592 or [email protected]
Want to stay in shape and have fun? Then why not play netball? Ladies Competition Only, all players and experience welcome. New season starting October! Individual and Team registrations accepted.
Fun game nights as well as the opportunity to play for Qatar in the Intergulf Championships.
For more information contact: Doha Netball Club Email:[email protected]
Mobile:6529124 or 5855703
Jazz, ballet and tap dance classes.
Please email for a timetable and details on [email protected]
Waterbabes – Baby & Toddler Swimming Group 5 – 24 months
Waterbabes is a fun programme, which helps your child learn life saving skills, organised by qualified British Swimming Teachers Association instructors. A 6-week programme is Q240.00. To book your please contact Anita Baldwin on 5833402 or email: [email protected]
Music for Me - Parent & Child Music Class
Classic songs, New Favourites, Finger Play, Marching & Movement, Bells, Maracas, Egg Shakers, Scarves, Balls, Puppets & Parachute. Age 9 months to 4 years
New Classes starting every 8 weeks
Morning: Monday 9:00 to 9:45 Laguna Beach, West Bay
Monday 10:00 to 10:45, Laguna Beach, West Bay
Wednesday 9:30 to 10:15 Alfardan Gardens, D Ring
Thursday 9:30 to 10:15 Nasser Gardens Compound (near Sports Roundabout)
Afternoon: Sunday 3:30 to 4:15 Laguna Beach, West Bay
Sunday 4:30 to 5:15 Laguna Beach, West Bay
Thursday 4:00 to 4:45 Nasser Gardens Compound (near Sports Roundabout)
Fee: 200 QR for 8 Classes includes music CD
Please call or email: Suzy Hopkinson 411-0748 581-2163 [email protected]
Ghanem Gardens Playgroups
At the Clubhouse, Ghanem Gardens Compound (adjacent to The Centre shopping mall)
Under 2’s – Monday 9.30am – 11.30am
Over 2’s – Wednesday 9:00am – 11:30am - contact Milagros Roygada, tel: 5194296
[email protected]
QR15 entrance fee per child includes tea/coffee; Drinks & snacks available for purchase
Dutch Speaking Playgroup
Meets twice a month at different locations :
- Babies&Toddlers first Wednesday morning of the month,
- Children (4yr up) last Thursday afternoon of the month.
For more details, contact Caroline [email protected] or check the website - Kalender.
More New Baby & Toddler Playgroups Are Needed!!
If you’re interested in starting a playgroup (all it takes is for you to nominate a day/time/place that suits you), or would like to advertise an existing group, then please email us the details at [email protected] for inclusion in next month’s “Mum’s the Word”.
Situation Vacant/Wanted
Step One Nursery School
We are seeking for English teachers from America, Canada, Europe, Australia and South Africa. Full time or part time.
Class Teacher Knowledge Skills and Experience:
Degree and post graduate teaching qualification or Teaching Diploma (equivalent to Bachelor Degree) from a recognized college/university. (Prefer in early years education).
1-2 years related experience for appropriate level.
Native English Speaker or Proficiency in English (written and spoken).
First aid certificate.
Mrs. Samarhan Emadeldin
E-mail:[email protected]
school info. Contacts Tel: 4666313-4666717-6919728
CESK is looking for:
Class Leaders, Assistants and substitutes required for, well established Kindergarten, located opposite Doha College. Hours flexible. Salaries dependent
on hours, position and experience.
Call Helen or Louise at CESK on 5611518 or email [email protected]
Word Of Mouth -
Many things in Doha are found out about through Word of Mouth. Help us spread the word by letting us know things you have heard which may help other mums. Details can be emailed to [email protected]
• New Looking for birthday party ideas?? Check out Create your very own special friend from a wide range of stuffed animals, a buddy thats sure to put a smile on any little one's face, and a buddy to love forever. Great party packages available for all age groups! Call Kerri for more details at 687 3104 or email [email protected].
• New Mobile Reflexologist - Give your Feet a Treat!
British trained, fully qualified reflexologist is offering treatments in the comfort of your own home. Reflexology is an holistic complementary therapy involving massage and accupressure to the feet. It is incredibly relaxing and promotes well being as well as helping with various health complaints such as stress, insomnia, sinus problems, digestive problems, back and neck problems etc. It is also excellent for detoxing the body and general pampering!
Treatments cost 140QR and include a foot massage.
Call or text Suzy on 5677347 or email on [email protected] to find out more.
• The Phonics Wizard Reading Series was recently featured in the "Yoyomama" e-mail newsletter (which is a great free and very informative resource for Moms ). Useful for anyone with young children (20 months up to the ages of six or seven) anywhere around the world. Take a look at
• Antenatal breastfeeding
Are you pregnant and keen to breastfeed?
Join an antenatal breastfeeding class by an Internationally Certified Lactation Consultant, starting mid January. Postnatal home visits also offered to support you with breastfeeding and early parenting. Contact Natalie on mob: 5899184, Home: 4361274 or email: [email protected].
Short term rentals of baby and toddler necessities to accommodate visiting family/friends or mums waiting for their shipments to arrive?
For more information contact Santie on [email protected] or Mob. 5740617
• Shiatsu Treatments for Women Shiatsu Practitioner - trained with the British School of Shiatsu-do (London) and graduated in 2001.
A healing art originating from Japan, where a variety of techniques using
palming, gentle stretches and joint rotations are used to stimulate the
energy channels (meridians) of the body. Used as a preventative form of
health care. Experience a feeling of relaxation and well-being.
Please phone: Kathy 6723987 or email [email protected]
• Creative Touch – Are you looking for a handmade and personalised greeting card or a one off piece of jewellery for someone special? Then email or call Karen at Creative Touch ([email protected] or 556 9727). Why not host a coffee morning for your friends and receive 10% of sales to spend on cards and gifts. Cards are now available for sale from The Hair Studio in Riviera Gardens.
• Reiki Master/Teacher Practitioner
Reiki is a natural ancient Japanese hands-on healing system. This divine energy work channels natural energy in order to relieve ailments on all levels.
Everything is made up of energy, so life’s stresses and strains can often create imbalances in the energetic fields of our bodies, leading to illness. Reiki is a means of challenging universal energy to the body to help clear and dissolve those blockages and toxins - enabling healing of the body, mind and spirit, by promoting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Please feel free to call for info; Claire Yates 6652343/4659235
• Professional Labour Support. Are you expecting a new addition to your family? Would you like to have someone to support you before, during, and after your delivery?
I am a certified DOULA who would be honoured to have the privilege to support you during one of the most important events of your life. Certified by the International Childbirth Educators Association (ICEA). Spaces are limited. I only attend one birth a month, so I can give my full attention to the family I am attending for. For more information please contact Sarah Hannibal- 537-5472
Useful Websites
• The new Expat Woman address is now
ExpatWoman is a free and friendly resource for Expatriates living in, or moving to, Doha and the surrounding areas. Through our Country Profile, very busy Information Board and growing monthly magazine we aim to provide interesting and useful information for all. And through our planned events schedule we will provide an opportunity for women in the region to meet others, make friends and enjoy what the city has to offer.
Buying or selling online in Qatar for FREE. Post ad to buy or sell ITEMS (CD's, books, computers, furniture, jewellery's, watches, buy or sell CARS and many more.
• French website dedicated to Qatar
• The following websites are excellent for ideas for 'DIY Speech Therapy Activities' seeing as it can be so hard in Doha to find the right resources sometimes,... (Go to the downloads section to download and print off games and stuff) (which leads to Early Years and then you can search for speech.)
• - An online community for stay-at-home-parents. It’s a great place to meet other stay-at-home-parents and share information, problems and ideas about their kids, etc. Even though it is called stay-at home-parents, most of the contributors are stay-at-home-moms. This is information was sent to me by one of the few-stay-at- home dads in Doha!!
• - A lovely site for young children, very simple and easy to follow. The online activities help to develop basic computer skills.
• - This is a link to a set of key early learning tasks. Very user friendly and worthwhile.
• - Great sites for kids (ages 4 – 11 years) and parents.
• - Very colourful site with lots of fun activities for the kids and they can learn some French too.
• "Qatar Living ( online community for everyone living (or interested) in Qatar. Everything is written by the visitors to the site (you!) - so if you found a baby friendly restaurant, attended a show or found a great deal, sign-up and write a review! Maybe you need to get something done in Doha but can't figure out how? Ask others on Qatar Living - someone has probably faced the same issue before. Visit and look around - you'll be pleasantly surprised.
(Taken from an article Daily Telegraph (UK) 16th June 2007)
Children as young as 3 should wear sunglasses to protect their eyes, according to opticians.
Industry figures claim parents are putting their children's eyes at risk by ignoring the dangers of the sun's harmful rays.
Their comments follow new research which shows that, by the age of 18, children will have absorbed 80% of their lifetime exposure to UV light.
Children's eyes are more vulnerable to damage from the sun than adults' eyes because the cornea, lens and fluids are clearer, allowing more light to reach the retina. Exposure to UV light increases the risk of cataracts (clouding of the lens), pinguecula (the thickening of the white of the eye) and pterygium (a growth over the surface of the cornea). Parents are urged not to underestimate the risk posed by UV rays. "Parents don't think twice about putting sun cream on their children but they don't think about their eyes," an expert said. It's vital that we educate parents about the dangers of the sun. We have to make it clear that sunglasses aren't just a fashion accessory. They really do protect us from damaging our eyes. It is never too early to wear sunglasses, but I would say that children should be wearing them from the age of 3."
The Eyecare Trust, a charity which gives advice on eye protection, said that parents should make sure they buy sunglasses that carry the European @ Standard "CE" mark and the Brit. Standard BSEN 1836:1997 which ensure that the glasses offer a safe level of UV protection. Don't confuse the shade (colour) of the lenses with their ability to filter U rays. Dark sunglasses may still allow UV rays to enter the eye and can be more harmful than wearing no glasses at all because they cause the pupil of the eye to dilate, allowing more UV rays to enter."
Parents should NOT allow their children to wear toy sunglasses as these offer little UV protection.
A consultant opthalmologist at the York Eye Hospital, said: "We know that eyes are very sensitive to UV light. We tend to think about this when we're abroad but don't realise that we also have to protect ourselves here. We see children wearing sun hats but not always a pair of sunglasses. This has to change. The key is to make sure that they wear the right type of sunglasses. They should be a good fit, be comfortable and have decent lenses. Pupils in children's eyes are bigger than in adult's eyes so the light gets in more easily and at deeper levels. This can increase the damage. If children's eyes are not properly protected, exposure to the sun's damaging invisible rays can speed up the ageing and deterioration of the eye and may lead to cataracts later in life."
Items For Sale:
• Silver Chrysler Voyager for sale (2002) – ideal family car with 7 seats and still plenty of boot space. Good contidion 55,000km QR33000 ono. Contact 5324557
• Swing Set as new from Toys R US. Two swings and a see-saw on wooden frame. As new. QR 1100.
Slide bed from Home Centre QR500
Please contact 5324557
• European expat family leaving - Selling everything, total household including furniture from Switzerland
Sofa 6-seater with corner 4500.- QR
Granit table and chairs 6500.-QR
Sony TV 42 inch 2800.- QR
Refrigerator 750 liter 1500.- QR
Kingsize waterbed 2 x 2m 8500.- QR
3 kidsbeds, office furniture, wardrobes, carpets, heater, kitchenstuff, plants: Price negotiable. Please contact Tina 5619943
• Danish Children's Clothes
Next Open House Monday 2nd June 9.00 – 12.30 and Tuesday 3rd June 9.00 – 12.30 - QIPCO, 3rd Avenue, villa 13
Contact Kelly Bork on 5141016 for more information [email protected]
1 @QR 70
1 @QR 35
PLEASE CALL SAM ON MOB.5601470/4862571
• Early Learning Centre toys for sale excellent condition.
Happy land town hospital/police/fire station House, Vet surgery, Chip shop, Road system. Lots of figures@ QR 500 new QR 150
V smile and one game connects to tv screen QR 399 new QR 120
Large size Slide with extension QR 250 excellent
Little Tikes pull along truck big enough to sit in or stack up with toys QR 100
Thomas Tank engine “Take Along “ with die cast models of Thomas and Friends in a carry case worth @ 400 QR new QR 150
Sit on tractor with scoop lifts up and down size 3- 7 years QR 100
Large Trampoline with net safety surround QR 1800 new QR 900
Call Ginny on 5300851
• Mothercare Pine "Norflolk" 3 position Cot QR675 Used 1 month
Mothercare Ultra Coolmax mattress QR600 Used 1 month
Mothercare sheets (6) QR35
Mothercare Cot Bumper QR195
Baby Shop Toddler Bed Cherry wood QR399 Never Used
Baby Shop Toddler Bed Mattress QR150 Never Used
Aventi 6 Minute Bottle Steralizer QR 200
Pac N Play QR350 Used 1 month
Pac N Play fitted sheets (6) QR 60
Primi Sogni Italian Wood Changing table with removable bathtub QR 600
Peg Perego Pliko 2 Mocha color Infant stroller and car seat QR 875
Fisher Price Space saver High Chair QR150
Contact info: email: [email protected]
• Children's Wooden Square Table and four chairs - excellent condition. QR500
Chicco Play Pen QR100 (worth QR800)
Buggy Pod Seat QR250 (side seat with wheels, attachable and folding when fitted to standard sized pushchairs). A great accessory when travelling with a baby and toddler, particularly in airports.
Baby toys - bits and pieces will give away
Mothercare light pine baby table changing table QR70
Contact Joanne : 561 6303/466 3957
• Blue Bassinete almost new from Baby Shop 120 qr
Yellow Mother Care Bouncy chairs excellent condition 90qr
Almost new exercise bike Body Sculpture bought from City centre Sports shop
Tel-Jill 5386975
• Family wanted for our Nanny/Housemaid. Sponsorship a must. Available end of June or end of August. Please contact 5324557.
• WANTED a loving home for our South African big black cat. He is a neutered male, 13 years old and very affectionate. Used to children. Please telephone : 5324557
• If anyone out there has a good quality car seat that meets safety standards please
call Jill -5386975.
• Gym quality elliptical trainer and 2) Glider Rocking Chair with foot stool (the kind that is not so attractive from Toys R US but is great for breast feeding!). If you have either of these and want to sell them Please contact: Rajka "Ryka" 516-8713. Please no phone calls after 9 pm.
June Craft Ideas: Scratch Pictures
Give your child some scraps of white or coloured cardboard, then let him scribble vigorously over the whole surface with one or more coloured wax crayons (the thicker the layer of wax, the better the result will be). Your child can then carefully scratch a picture or patterns into the wax using a spent matchstick.
June Recipe: Strawberry sorbet sticks
Makes 6 small lollies.
You will need:
50g caster sugar
6 tbsp water
225g strawberries, pureed, sieved
4tbsp fresh orange juice
Boil sugar in water, boil for 2 mins. Cool. Stir in puree and orange juice, freeze for 4 hours. Beat with a fork, spoon into sections of a lolly mould. Add sticks, freeze until solid. Dip in hot water and count to 10 to remove from moulds. Serve…… delicious!!
Enjoy the summer… We will be back in September.
Remember, “Mum’s the Word”!!
*Please note that we endeavour to provide our readers with accurate information, but can accept no liability in the case of unintentional errors.