Would you hire an interior designer?

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to do a survey and see how many of you, people already in Doha and people coming to Doha, would hire the services of a professional interior designer to design your home rather than do the thinking, designing, shopping, dealing with contractors yourself. And would you want something creative, a designer home or just home furnishing.
I am an Interior designer any one looking for freelance please contact me @ 974 70256150
Since most of us don't have our own furniture in Doha nor do we intend to invest a lot in local furnishings, no.
I was going to hire one but Kareena says that most of them are gay :(
I need an interior freelancer designer immediately
please call me on 55 88 95 14
or email : [email protected]
Whatever your attention in internal planning, London, uk is likely to have what you are looking for. Maybe you are looking for motivation and creative guidelines on internal planning for your own house or you are an internal decorator and want to advertise your own work
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I don't want anyone telling me how to decorate my home ..
So, NO!
anyone else interested to join the survey and share their opinion?
Interior Designer for Hire
yes genesis, Lebanese designers do dominate the market but they aren't all con artists, some are really great. But the problem is when I used to apply companies got disappointed when they found out I wasn't Lebanese, some other people specified needing a Lebanese male designer!
and about the fake baroque style, it's the style favored by locals here unfortunately, Louis 15 furniture style actually, and they all do their houses the same way, same layout same all that's why it's not that challenging really.
when it comes to prices though, 100K ?! well if it's like a 100 rooms palace with a garden I might think of charging that much not of a family home though...yayks
Interior Designer for Hire
Yes, I think it’s a necessity . Specially in Qatar, where there is very few major Furnisher Shops.and it's very Difficult to locate & distinguish the good quality of Walls, Ceiling & floors materials. Not to mention, to follow up the finishing
That’s why there are many Qataris now hire interior designer to furnish their homes.
Unfortunately, and I don’t want to sound racist. There have been many con artists among interior designers coming from Lebanon And they have dominated the Market.
With exaggerated prices that are 100K+ for just design & follow-up of a fake baroque style that is mainly imported from China
Yes, I would use it if I knew I would stay here in Qatar and if I had my own house. Being here temporarily and renting I wouldn't consider it now. When I go back to the US I would definitely use this great service at least for my kids rooms.
Virginia is for lovers, I love Virginia.
"I'd love to change the world, but I can't find a big enough diaper"
Ides, yes professionals do make mistakes in typing. That's why they spell-check and proof-read before publishing. You have learned from and corrected your mistakes and are now looking very professional. Good luck to you.
correction noted and I've fixed it. I do have a question though, do professionals not make typing mistakes? because I believe that it's only natural, especially when it's their second language.
just because someone wrote a single complex word as two words that doesn't mean that they are unprofessional.
And when I do need a little shaking up, I will make sure to tell you, since you seem to be an expert.
Interior Designer for Hire
well then please do check this link http://www.vcu.edu/index.php, and it was meant to be "supervise execution" which means that I would be there to see the project through and check that everything is done as designed.
I find it funny that you call me a spammer when you have taken the time to post two sarcastic comments,
thank you for the good luck wishes anyway
Interior Designer for Hire
freelance designers of any kind aren't licensed in Doha, there is no such thing am afraid, companies do of course but not freelance ones. Interior Design in Doha isn't a recognized profession, unlike the states there is no test to take and no union to join, if that would change the whole perception of designers would change in Qatar
and yes I understand what you meant, juts because someone got a degree in something it doesn't mean that they are good at it, or like it
Interior Designer for Hire
Bottom line-try not to worry so much and buy what u LvOE.
using bark of a tree for ceiling treatment is not new for me:)
Back to your question,
Would you hire an interior designer?.
Yup, only if he /she is a Licensed ID,
not just a graduate of ID course, and claimed to be an Interior Designer., you know what i mean..
Bottom line-try not to worry so much and buy what u LvOE.
that is some what true, but if a designer can't adjust him/herself to work with different budgets, big and small, then they aren't that good
Interior Designer for Hire
If it's cheap to hire one plus the designer doesn't require expensive things, it's perfectly fine. But personally, I'd rather design my own place. Only busy and rich people require interior designers, aside from the big companies.
mallrat, trusting yourself could mean that you have got a good taste and a good way of combining different elements and furniture and make it work for you and that's great! but what if say you want the bark of a tree to hang down from your ceiling and have recessed lighting in it or something? I should write that down I like the idea myself!
Interior Designer for Hire
well Jack, what if using one isn't that expensive?
Interior Designer for Hire
i trust myself.
Bottom line-try not to worry so much and buy what u LvOE.
Designer could do a good job...or an excellent job.
Personally I wouldn't use one for my residential unit....may be for a commercial unit I might use an designer...due to the cost of using one.
Now I am talking about the "Interior Designers".
UkEngQatar I didn't get your question,
stealth, yes that's my point! construction contractors might have the know-how and have the contacts to do the job but they aren't designers, let alone the fact that you might be paying twice as much for everything
Interior Designer for Hire
There are many interior designers over here that do the stuff you are talking about. Many home owners do consult them rather than the construction contractors for the same.
depends on what on offer?
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I think that my posts are invisible to others, I dont seem to get any replies on my posts although all the rest posts by everyone else seem to get a whole lot of attention
*waves* anyone, I really am curious to know and am offering my service here
Interior Designer for Hire