Why blinking traffic lights instead of countdown displays at intersection signals?

By speedmarks •
I really hate passing through these traffic signals. You may never know when the green light blinks. Why dont traffic dept put countdown displays instead of these green light blinking before turning red which eventually surprises drivers at intersections. At least it gives the driver enough time and intuition to to speed up or slow down because theres a countdown timer before the signal changes. Is there any move to change any of these traffic systems?
I wish they would implement this digital displays in Qatar. At least they can minimize sudden bump accidents on our rear car bumpers if we know that within 10 or 5 seconds, the traffic signal will change to red.
Not only in India my friend you see digital traffic lights,its also avaiable in many countries.Good suggestion.........hopefully someone from the traffic department reads these suggestion and do some changes .
I have seen countdown display in many of the signals in India and I think it is a better option.
u have a enough time to stop at signal when its blikin....qatar is not too strict in traffic rules...............very poor........but one thin gud have nice traffic vehicles.
Blinking traffic lights & count down displays, both are the ways to alert the drivers on the roads, but yes,
a count down display is a better option as you suggested :P
its a good suggestion, indeed... no idea they will implement here or not. but blinking green lights give you enough time to cross the intersection if you are just on the line... but no need to speed up if you are 100 m away before the signal. over speeding is not good for health :)