Which is a better place to choose to live?

So i have a choice of a small villa in the following places - and I want to know which would be best.
Ideally it is a good place to walk my dog - there is a supermarket/shops nearby, and I can get to/around the city well enough. The quality of the villas would be nice to find out also...
My choices are:
Jnan Compound
Samyra Garden
Dar Murikh
Qatar Foundation Complex (near education city)
Riveira Compound
ANY advice on these (pics would be down right amazing) would be wonderful and much appreciated.
but seeking people advice in choosing between 15K+ residences while many of them live in shared accomodations is little........!
Qatar Foundation Complex would be the best.
Katfurr you could try out and enquire about Al Emadi properties.
Here's the link to their website.Take a look.
Yes that is the only compound I have seen also - I did like it, but I have to wonder if it is a pain that it is out on the outskirts of the city...
Samrya garden .. nice location and compound
Forewarned is forearmed!
Well it would depend on your personal preferences and taste.