What is Required to bring my car? Is Work Permit Entry Enough to import my car?
Good Afternoon,
I am relocating to Doha, and will be shipping my car from Dubai on the same day that I leave Dubai by plane. I don't have a residence visa yet in Qatar, the only paper I have is the work permit/entry paper sent to me by my employer. Do you think this will be a problem at the Qatari customs? Or I can drive my car with the export plate until I get my residency in Doha? I would appreciate if you could help me out if you know the regulations.
I would also be moving soon and have a related question: does bringing a vehicle as a resident also involve some conditions, such as year/ model, fees, etc?
check out http://portal.www.gov.qa/wps/portal/homeEN?New_WCM_Context=/wps/wcm/connect/cnt/en/1_home/11_Citizens_and_Residents
I relocated my car also here from Dubai.
The entry permit is enough to get the car here, you will keep your export plats till you will get your Qatari ID, but it;s better to make the technical test once you bring it here and also arrange for its insurance.
Best Regards,